Chapter 21:Background story Lisa

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Third person's pov

Lisa was always well treated even when her parents were actually her adopted parents. She didn't know her biological parents all that she remembers was that her mom used to do drugs. You can't blame her that she didn't remember her mom because she was 4 years old.

When she was taken away to foster care she met her adoptive parents. Her adoptive dad was a chef and her mom was a secretary for a very important CEO in Thailand. So Lisa was in the middle class she had friends who were poor. But she wasn't exactly Rich. For as long as Lisa remembered her adoptive parents were always homophobes.

She knew of course they weren't exactly hiding she had two neighbors that were gay and her parents made their dislike very known. Lisa never had to worry about that because she knew she was straight she liked boys she had a boyfriend when she was 16. Her parents liked him a lot they were the perfect couple. 
And then they broke up because she found out he was cheating on her she was devastated. And then her dad got promoted to a restaurant in Korea. She was nervous to start school in Korea.

She just talked to people in Korea who wouldn't know about her secrets. A lot of people didn't know this but Lisa had more multiple personality disorders than only her mom and dad knew and one friend she had back home that's it.
She was scared that people would make fun of her when she went to school because of what she was wearing. She was going to some rich School her dad sent her to.

 She was going to some rich School her dad sent her to

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She was scared of getting bullied. But of course, she did get but a beautiful angel came to save her. She was probably the most beautiful girl Lisa has ever seen. Even with her expensive clothes.

???: Hey are you okay?Lisa: Yeah I'm fine

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???: Hey are you okay?
Lisa: Yeah I'm fine

After that Lisa got to know her name was Jennie and she was super rich Lisa felt so safe with her it was the first time she felt like that even with her ex-boyfriend. Jennie was just so attractive it was difficult not to fall in love with her. After that Lisa and Jennie became best friends. It all changed when they turned 18 Jennie was one year older than Lisa. They were so excited to get their soul mark. (A/n in this story you only get your soul mark if you touch someone who is your soulmate they were excited because when you turn 18 is when you get to meet your soulmates). They were also nervous and scared to find out that they were not soulmates. Because you see both of them had feelings for each other but they didn't know it. They have to touch to make sure they are they were still scared. They were in Jennie's room getting ready for a party Jennie was looking at herself in the mirror and finishing some finishing touches while Lisa was getting ready also.

 They were in Jennie's room getting ready for a party Jennie was looking at herself in the mirror and finishing some finishing touches while Lisa was getting ready also

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Lisa had to admit  that she looked beautiful

It's hard it was hard for Lisa to keep her hands to herself Lisa was wearing.

(Ignore the tattoo)Lisa went up to her best friend and put her hand on her shoulder that's when they felt the sparkle

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(Ignore the tattoo)
Lisa went up to her best friend and put her hand on her shoulder that's when they felt the sparkle. It appeared on both of them.

After a few days

You could always see Lisa with Jennie there are always holding hands and kissing each other on the lips. It was clear to see that they already bonded. Lisa had to tell her parents and her parents disowned her and cut her off. She was kind of expecting that her parents were going to be like that but that didn't make her less sad. She went crying to Jen. Jennie of course invited her to stay with her.
Lisa was in the bathroom one of her personalities wanted to front. It was a girl named Jane she was 17 she was very cheery but very mean when Lisa cried.  Jane was always the one at the front when things got overwhelming for Lisa. Lisa had seven personalities. Jane, Cassie, Samantha, Allison, Tanner, Jessie, and Alice. Alice was the most dangerous one. Alice was a psycho. the rest were pretty nice she only had a boy personality. Anyway, Lisa was scared that Jennie was going to judge her.

Lisa: Jane please don't come out you're going to freak her out she's not ready yet.
Jane: Well you have to tell her someday just please let me front I want to meet our soulmate.
Lisa: okay fine but don't be too much.

After that Lisa left Jane in front for the rest of the day Jane was pretty chill until Jennie came home. And then Jane told her name and Jenny looked freaked out. After that Lisa asked Jane to the front and Jane let her front so she set her girlfriend down and told her everything. Jennie looked shocked for a moment and then smiled and asked why Lisa hadn't told her earlier.

After one month
Lisa and her personality fronted Jenny meant everyone except Alice. And then Jenny got horrible news from her psychiatrist that she had bipolar disorder and was very drastic so she had to go to a mental hospital. Lisa was devastated after Jennie left Lisa found no will to live she knew she had 10 other soulmates waiting for her but she was sad. Lisa always went to her psychiatrist. From everything that Lisa has gone through her psychiatrist told her that she had to go to a mental hospital like Jennie exactly the same. It was actually the same hospital that Jenny went to. She was excited she was going to see her girlfriend again.
After a week she packed and went to the hospital when she got there there were screams like big ass screams. It looks like they were torturing someone.

Lisa went to the front desk and told her who she was. The nurse got her out of the chair and went to her and told her to follow her she kept walking with the nurse and the nurse made her step into a big large room it was the cafeteria there are some people laughing some people yelling some people looking crazed. After that, the nurse left and she went to the line. Lisa got her food and then looked around she saw a girl with black long hair sitting with a girl who had brown hair there is also a boy sitting with them the boy looked really handsome he was tall. She decided to go over to their table.

Lisa: hey can I sit here it's just that I'm new and I don't know anyone.
???1: yeah sure why not
Said the tall boy as he looked at the girls beside him one was looking away and the other was talking to the other girl.
???1: so what's your name?
Lisa: Lisa
???2: wait did I hear you correctly
She looked at me and I saw who it was it was Jennie
Jennie: oh my God baby what are you doing here?
Lisa: my psychiatrist sent me here and said my personality disorders getting too out of hand.

After that, we caught up and I got to know the other two people who were our other soulmates the tall guy's name was named Namjoon and the girl's name was Jisoo.

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