Chapter 9: Nightmare

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⚠️Warning: mention of torture

Hoseok pov  
I set up for my bed I couldn't sleep much Yesterday because of my disorder I actually tried sleeping yesterday but I woke up because of a nightmare I had. It was a horrible nightmare after that I couldn't close my eyes. I started reading a book that Namjoon recommended for me to read ever since I knew him he's always loved books. I get out of my room to go to the cafeteria when I got there I saw Jimin and Jin talking and Jin was trying to make Jimin eat as he always does when eating with Jimin. I think it's the oldest soulmate thing because Yoongi is the same way. I made my way toward them.

Jin: Hi Hobi how are you? *licking his lips*
Jimin: Yeah you didn't call us yesterday.
Hoseok: Yeah I just decided to go to bed early.
Jin: Really did you sleep at all?
Hoseok: Yes I did sleep for 3 hours and then I got a nightmare and I couldn't shut my eyes because of that.
Jimin: Well that's horrible.
Jin: What was the nightmare about?
Hoseok: Can I tell you, guys, later.

We decided to go to the swimming pool because Jimin loves to swim he says it's where he feels like himself and that he doesn't have to think too hard about what other people think of him. He feels like a fish swimming in the sea. 

Jin at first is kind of worried for Jimin and me

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Jin at first is kind of worried for Jimin and me.
Jin: What if both of you catch a cold?
Jimin: oh come on Jinnie Hyung that's not gonna happened.

10 minutes later.
We got out of the pool Jin gave us towels really quickly afraid of us catching a cold
and then we got dressed we went to Jin's room because his room is a little bit bigger than all of us.

We got out of the pool Jin gave us towels really quickly afraid of us catching a coldand then we got dressed we went to Jin's room because his room is a little bit bigger than all of us

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His room was very cozy and had that homey feeling to it that's where normally we like to hang out if we're all together Jin has the TV so we can watch movies and snuggle and talk. He has this kind of room because his parents are rich. Jin has told us what his parents do for a living they are mafias but to cover the money they are doctors but they also own companies. 

Third-person pov

Jin: So tell us what happened in the nightmare 

Hoseok: So it was really bad 

Hoseok's nightmare 

He was outside an abandoned house it was very cold he only had a T-shirt on and jeans. The abandoned house looks like it was one out of a horror movie where parents tell you not to go inside because there are ghosts or there was a serial killer on loose. Hoseok just staring at the house gave him chills. Hoseok wasn't one to explore especially these types of places. All out of his soulmates, he was considered the scariest cat in everything. But something inside Hoseok said for him to go inside the abandoned house.

He entered and was met with wind fending his face it seemed empty but he still asked

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He entered and was met with wind fending his face it seemed empty but he still asked.

Hoseok: Hello 

and was met with silence so he decided to go upstairs with all his might. He started walking around when he got upstairs.

Hoseok: Hello 


After he heard that scream he started running towards it sounded like Y/n and Taehyung. When he got there he was stunned at seeing his soulmates all tied up in the corners of the room. Jin had blood dripping down his neck, Yoongi was stabbed in his chest, Namjoon had a bleeding hand, Jisoo had her eyeballs completely gone, Jennie, her legs were completely chopped, Jimin had his stomach open, and Rosé, Lisa, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Y/n waked and nothing happening to them yet. Rosé and Jungkook had scars on their cheeks and then suddenly something hard hit on his head and he fainted when he woke up he was held back by restraints like his soulmates he was next to rosé and Y/n.

???: oh Hobi you wake up 


???: Oh nothing I just felt like torturing them


???: well kill them of course 


???: But I am going to kill you by killing them 

And then he shot Lisa and Jungkook and then he sabbed  Rosé, Y/n, and Taehyung, and then he shot Hoseok.

End of Hoseok's nightmare.

Jin and Jimin: that was horrible. 

Hoseok: Yeah.

Jin: You both are going to sleep here.

Jimin and Hoseok: Ok Hyung. 

After watching a little bit of TV I fell asleep.

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