Chapter 6: Visiting Jungkook again with Lisa

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Y/n pov
I was laying in my bed thinking about things that don't really make sense to anyone except for me when I heard a knock at the door so I stand up to go answer the door but when I open the door I saw Lisa standing there wearing this.

Anyway I was surprised to see her knocking on my door I didn't expect her to come or any of them for that matterY/n: Oh Lisa w-what are you d-doing here?Lisa: Hi Y/n I just wanted to come to visit you I was kind of on my way to go to see Jungkook ...

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Anyway I was surprised to see her knocking on my door I didn't expect her to come or any of them for that matter
Y/n: Oh Lisa w-what are you d-doing here?
Lisa: Hi Y/n I just wanted to come to visit you I was kind of on my way to go to see Jungkook and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with me I know that you already went with Jennie yesterday but I wanted to spend some time with you and I'm sure Jungkook would like to see you too
Y/n: oh yeah sure why not
Lisa: good can we stay in your room for a little bit
Y/n: y-yeah sure c-come  on in L-Lisa
Lisa: wow cute room
I had to admit my room was pretty cute.
My room is a little bit pink I had a desk on the left side and the bed on the right side the desk was a little bit big but the room is pretty small.

Y/n: yeah it is a-anyway how did y-you know where my room was?Lisa: oh Rosé she told me when I asked her where your room she seemed really happy when I asked her

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Y/n: yeah it is a-anyway how did y-you know where my room was?
Lisa: oh Rosé she told me when I asked her where your room she seemed really happy when I asked her.
Y/n:mmh how have you b-been d-doing?
Lisa: good I sometimes get my personality but now it's very rarely Alice only comes when  I have a really bad temper or I'm in a really bad mood but the rest of my personalities are I guess you could say cool what about you?
Y/n: a little bit b-better to not t-too much.

Lisa: oh I'm sorry if we've been pressuring you we sometimes don't think that much Jimin sometimes has anxiety too but he is different because of his disorder I'm sorry if I talk too much I'm not making you uncomfortable am I?
Y/n: no you're f-fine I really l-like listening to you or the others to p-put you guys sometimes put an s-smile to my face.
Lisa: Oh really?
Y/n: yes v-very much
Lisa: I love it when you talk to us it always puts a smile on my face.
Y/n: o-oh really b-but I stutter an l-lot
Lisa: well I don't care if you stutter I think none of us really do I think it's cute when you stutter.

Y/n: y-you think t-that
Lisa: yes very much
Y/n: Lisa can I ask you something?
Lisa: yeah shoot
Y/n: if you had a-another soulmate w-would you love h-him or her if he or she was d-different?
Lisa:  hell yeah I would love them don't care if they're different that doesn't matter to me or my soulmates what matters is that I'm with them in there with me.
Y/n: w-what if he or she is a-afraid to confront y-you and the o-others?
Lisa: I would give them time if they need a little more time to not be afraid I would.

Lisa pov
I knew what this conversation was about I suspected this was going to happen she's afraid to tell us that she's our soulmate.
We kind of suspected her that's why I wanted to spend some time with her get to know her she only ever had a relationship with Jisoo Rosie and Jen and Jungkookie.
My other soulmates also want to try to talk to her and have some kind of friendship or relationship with her. Namjoon is going to try and talk to her tomorrow I think Jennie gave him a little bit of confidence he's a little bit excited.
Jisoo talks about Y/n sometimes and so does Rosé and Jennie speaks about her a little bit Jungkook every time someone mentions her smiles. Anyway, after I gave her some answers we started heading out of her room.

Lisa: oh y/n I talked to Jungkook yesterday on the phone he said he loved you visiting him with Jennie yesterday
Y/n: oh really t-that's sweet of h-him I love visiting him t-to and I love to spend s-some time with J-Jennie is that why we're v-visiting him today? * she looks down playing with her hands*
Lisa: yeah you don't want to go *I looked at  her frowning*
Y/n: oh no I was I'm a-actually q-quite excited to see him a-and to spend time with you.

Y/n pov
We finally got to his room we got inside he was sitting in his bed reading a book he was wearing.

Lisa: Hi Jungkookie Jungkook: Hi Lisa honeyThey went up to each other and hug I was just still at the doorway they let go of the hug and Lisa grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind her

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Lisa: Hi Jungkookie
Jungkook: Hi Lisa honey
They went up to each other and hug I was just still at the doorway they let go of the hug and Lisa grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind her. Jungkook doesn't seem to notice me.
Lisa: Kookie I have a surprise for you
Jungkook: oh I love surprises honey
Lisa: it's Y/n *she smiles up at him and pulls me out of back*

Jungkook: Hi Y/n I'm happy to see you again * he hugs me  *Y/n: Hi Jungkook I'm h-happy to s-see you t-too * hugs back*Lisa: y/n let's go sit down  *holds out her hand*Y/n Ok *  grabs onto her hand*we go sit in the bed and Jungkook too Lisa wanted...

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Jungkook: Hi Y/n I'm happy to see you again * he hugs me  *
Y/n: Hi Jungkook I'm h-happy to s-see you t-too * hugs back*
Lisa: y/n let's go sit down  *holds out her hand*
Y/n Ok *  grabs onto her hand*
we go sit in the bed and Jungkook too Lisa wanted to spend time with the both of us so she decided that we should see a movie together and she also wanted to cuddle because she said 'she's been cuddled the Pride' of  Jungkook after she said that Jungkook chuckled. Jungkook was leaning his back against the headboard of his bed Lisa was between his legs and I was between Lisa's legs. He put his chin on her shoulder and Lisa was touching my hair and  Jungkook was looking down at me Lisa was looking at me too.
After we had dinner and then  Lisa said it was late Jungkook pouted after that he hugged her goodbye and me too and she had to get me to my room so she dropped me off my room.
Lisa: Goodnight Y/n
Y/n: Goodnight Lisa
She went to her room. I was happy today anyway I brush my teeth and went to bed.

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