Chapter 10: Trouble

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Y/n pov 

It's been three days since the cats came into my room the day It was so cool. I cuddle them all night. I have just been hanging around my room and I haven't talked to anyone since yesterday. Today was just a normal day and  I was going to speak with my therapist about my anxiety I still feel like every time I talk to someone I feel that heat coming to my cheeks then of course I stutter and I'm scared that one day My soulmates will not like me. Yes I know they're my soul-mates I've known them for a while now I just wanted to get to know them personally and get to know me for me not because they're my soulmates. Well the soulmates seem very nice they're a little overprotective but who is it especially when they're 11 they are a little weird I mean they rarely speak to people just keep to themselves the only people they speak to are me and each other. I read on the internet about multiple soulmates and they describe a group of soulmates as they're very kept to themselves and sometimes they hide their younger soulmates more I'm probably the youngest by just looking at their faces but I am kind of scared I know they will accept me I've asked Lisa if they had another soul mate and she said to that they will wait for them to get the courage to tell them. I  decided to go on a walk to the gardens it was a beautiful day birds are chirping in the sky was blue with some clouds I was walking around when I saw someone lying on the grass it Addison
So I went over to her when I got there she looked up at me.

Addison: oh  y/n what are you doing here? I thought you were hanging out with the soulmates
Y/n: no I wanted to spend some time alone but since you're here I can spend it with you
Addison: Ok whatever you want
We started talking a little bit more after some minutes someone came over to us was a nurse saying for Addison to go to her therapist. I have noticed her legs are with bruises and she didn't have those bruises when I saw her last time and she was shaking when the nurse told her to go to the therapist I saw her lips quivering and today was not cold she looked scared as if something bad is going to happen to her. She could have heard it herself from her bedroom

Addison pov
I was talking to Y/n a nurse came and told me to go to my therapist and I just know I'm going to get killed the therapist is here don't help you they kind of torture you. I just hope the soulmates and probably Y/n get out of here soon. I mean they do help you a little bit but since you're here but after months that you're here you're done for. I don't know how they haven't even tortured the soulmates they've been here longer than I have. Here I go another torture session.

Y/n pov
Anyway, after Addison was gone I just decided to stay a little bit more, and then I went to the cafeteria to eat lunch and then stay the rest of the day in my room.

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