Chapter 11: Library

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Jimin pov
I felt really bored today so I went to the library I probably was gonna find Namjoon there. He really loves books he is like a walking dictionary he spends most of his time in the library. I was on my way there right now and when I got there it was empty it was just the nice librarian she waved at me I smile at her and waved her back. I was looking for him for a little bit until I found him he was sitting at a rounded table with his legs crossed and he was holding the book up scanning the pages from head to toe so I went up to him and decided to sit down next to him and he looked at me.

Namjoon: Hi Jiminie
Jimin: Hi Namjoon
After he said hi to me he looks straight at his book again.
Jimin: what are you reading babe?
Namjoon: I'm reading the sky wind and stars
Jimin: okay well I'm going to get a book I'll be right back
Namjoon: okay be quick oh by the way do you want to go to your favorite place to read in the library?
Jimin: oh yes please Joonie I love that place okay I'll be right back and meet you there okay?
Namjoon: okay

After that, I went to one of my favorite sections in the library Novel
looking through the books I finally found what I was looking for was a book called" the hungry like no other" it's a good book it was about a vampire who is sick of being tortured and then he finds his soulmate who's the half-vampire and then awakens her every desire.

I like romantic books I also like some science fiction I like how the main character always falls for the other main character one day they don't have anything in common like "they say opposites attract" right I like hearing the stories because it gives me peace.

I hope me and my soul mates are going to be like that someday when we get out of this place it brings me to hope that someday will love each other unconditionally like there are no rules no bedtime no other people besides us going into the room kissing each other and cuddles without worrying about what other people see or hear us.
To have a big house to go on vacation together that's my dream and it's also my soulmate's dream. Maybe soon knows anyway I pick out my book and go to my favorite place it was like a bay window it had pillows a little mattress their Namjoon sat putting his back against the wall of pillows he had a blanket around his legs this place there were no blankets so it's probably Namjoon blanket anyway  I patted my way to him and pulled off the blanket from his around his legs and motion me to go to him and to sit down in front of him he opens his legs and I got in between his legs.
And then he put the blanket over us and then he kissed my head and we started reading our own books.

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