Chapter 5: Walking around the Hospital

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Y/n pov
I woke up feeling a little bit chilly so I got out of bed and went to go get a blanket from the closet and then after a few minutes I got out of bed and went to get dressed for the day I wore this today.

Y/n pov I woke up feeling a little bit chilly so I got out of bed and went to go get a blanket from the closet and then after a few minutes I got out of bed and went to get dressed for the day I wore this today

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I decided to have breakfast so I headed to the cafeteria. There weren't a lot of people outside my room just some staff and three patients that I didn't know. So I just made my way to the cafeteria. I saw Jennie eating her breakfast alone. She got off her table I thought she was going to go but she surprised me by going in my direction after a couple of minutes later she stood in front of me with her tray in her hands.

Jennie: hey can I sit here? * she said with a cold tone in her voice*
Y/n: yeah sure
Jennie: thank-you * she said in a happy tone * so how have you been?
Y/n: Good w-what about y-you?
Jennie: I have been good you know same old same old.
Y/n: what about your soulmates?
Jennie: I barely get to see them I only get to see them if I visit them
Y/n: Ah ok
Jennie: Why did you ask about them? * she said in an angry tone*
Y/n: Um I-I just w-wanted to know
Jennie: ah ok do you want to go for a walk with me? Well Of course after you finish your breakfast
Y/n: yeah sure why not I don't have anything to do
Jennie: so if you had anything to do you would not go with me* she said that in a sad tone *
Y/n: N-No J-Jennie I d-didn't mean it l-like that I meant by that that I didn't have my therapist today
Jennie: uhh I am so sorry it's my disorder
Y/n: no it's okay I understand it's hard having bipolar disorder.

After I finish eating we decided to that walk Jennie was talking about and then something weird happened she put three slices of bread in her purse. I wanted to ask her but I was scared to see how she would react.  she'll probably think I want to get into her business which is not true I'm just a little bit curious.

Y/n: Jennie why did you wrap three slices of bread?
Jennie: Oh there for Jungkook he's technically stuck in his room for four days because he misbehaved so they decided to lock him in his room.
Y/n: w-why did h-he misbehave?
Jennie: I guess he started screaming in the middle of the night when he was supposed to be sleeping. Mike was probably talking to him and torturing him. His Securities guards don't like him that much so they decided to kill two birds with one stone.
Y/n: w-who is Mike?
Jennie: it's the guy that none sees only my soulmates and I can hear him but Jungkook can see him and hear him.
He is a pain in the ass he always calls names  Jungkook that he's not worth anything, Mike is not the only one that Jungkookie hears and sees there are others but Mike is the worst out of them.
Y/n: I'm so sorry it's probably hard for him and you guys too it must be painful to see him like that I can't even imagine what you guys are going through.
Jennie: you know  I hate seeing anyone of my soulmates hurt physically and mentally and they also feel the same way about me and each other it hurts but we are used to it.

We walked for a few minutes and then we finally got to jungkook's room.

Jungkook pov    

I was looking at the wall thinking about my soulmates and what Mike said to me he always puts me down.

I am stuck in my room for four days because I screamed in the middle of the night but it's not my fault that I had nightmares that were from my past even though still haunted me.
I'm still scared that one day my past will come for me, but my soulmate says I don't have to worry about that I have them and I'm happy to have them I love them so much it hurts me. When we can't see each other. Everything in my room is white except for my clothes.
Sometimes I get bored especially now that I'm "grounded" in my room. Two of my security guards that do the night shift hated me their names are Tom and Jaejin. Tom is a very well-built man he's from England he has a horrible Korean accent he sometimes picks on me but I don't pay attention to what he says.

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