Chapter 15: Talking to my Psychiatrist

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Y/n pov

Today I have to wake up early because I was going to talk to my Psychiatrist about my development if I'm getting worse in public situations do I have friends that are in probably what my Psychiatrist is going to talk about today with me haven't seen him since Wednesday. I was on my way over there now. His office was a floor above the dormitories down a few doors. He's a nice man my Psychiatrist he always has candy in his office and his name is Dr.Kim Hyun-woo.

A few weeks ago I started talking about "the soulmates" I told him that they were my soulmates he was happy for me that I started talking to other people besides Alison

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A few weeks ago I started talking about "the soulmates" I told him that they were my soulmates he was happy for me that I started talking to other people besides Alison. He was also confused why I didn't tell them that I'm their soulmate.

Hyun-woo: so how have you been Ms y/n
Y/n: good I've b-been busy with a-arts and crafts
Hyun-woo: well that's good to know have you been talking to other people
Y/n: Yes I h-have talked w-with the s-soulmates.
Hyun-woo: oh that's amazing they weren't rude to you were they?
Y/n: no n-not at all w-why?
Hyun-woo: oh nothing it's just they seem a little hostile and they don't let anyone near their group they've only talked to each other no one else.
Y/n: oh yeah I t-think they seem that w-way too b-but with me, they d-don't.
Hyun-woo: anyone else?
Y/n: no n-not really
Hyun-woo: okay so what do you guys talk about?
Y/n: we n-normally talk about o-our interests b-but we m-mostly hang out they're also very a-affectionate towards me and each other I t-think don't they k-know a-about me being t-their s-soulmate.
Hyun-woo: so do you like them?
Y/n: yeah o-of course I do t-they're my soulmates.
Hyun-woo: then why don't you tell them?
Y/n: b-because I'm a-afraid of g-getting hurt or t-them not w-wanting me.
Hyun-woo: From what I can tell is that they already accept you and I think you should tell them they have the right to know I know it's scary but you never know you need to try it doesn't.
Y/n: o-okay Dr. Kim I'll t-think a-about it.

After that talk,  he just asks me more questions and I answer them
After that our session was over so I ate dinner and it was almost curfew so I had to go to my room when I got to my room I took a shower and put on my pajama and fell asleep.

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