Chapter 18:Telling them but they already knew

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Y/n pov

Today I was going to tell them that I am their soulmate. I was super nervous to see their reaction. I was going to the cafeteria because I bet they were there. It's Monday there always are at the cafeteria. You're probably wondering why I've decided to tell them today. because it's been 3 weeks since I met them and they're excited to meet the other soulmate I can't Rob them of that. I was walking away through the hallway to go to the cafeteria when I walk through the doors and got my food I began to look for them. That's when I heard someone call my name I turned in the direction of the voice and saw Lisa unnie wave at me. She was wearing a green crop top with blue jeans and her pigtails and her hair was big it was blonde I guess she kind of dyed her hair because she had black hair and she was also wearing glasses.

 She was wearing a green crop top with blue jeans and her pigtails and her hair was big it was blonde I guess she kind of dyed her hair because she had black hair and she was also wearing glasses

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I walk over to her and see that the rest of the group is also there

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I walk over to her and see that the rest of the group is also there. I pull up the chair so I could sit. I sit in between Jimin and Hosoek. All of them were wearing casual clothes.

 All of them were wearing casual clothes

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Everyone is silent having conversations here and there

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Everyone is silent having conversations here and there. After a few minutes, I decided to speak up even with my nerves I had to talk to them about it.

Y/n: I-I w-wanted to s-say this to you guys w-while now.
Jin: wanted to say what?
Y/n: t-that I'm your s-soulmate it's o-okay if y-you g-guys don't a-accept me.
Jimin: ok
Y/n: a-aren't you guys s-supposed to b-be rejecting me n-now?
Namjoon: no of course not and we already knew that you were our soulmate we just wanted to give you some time to get your thoughts cleared and for you to say something.
Yoongi: as soon as we found out you were our soulmate we instantly accepted you.
Y/n: oh r-really I-I'm was so scared y-you guys w-would have r-rejected me.
Rosé: oh no never would we reject you so you don't have to worry about that baby.
She put her hand on my cheek and rubbed my cheek with her thumb in the soothing Manor.
I blushed when she called me baby.
I was really happy they didn't reject me and accepted me. after that we decided to spend the day together it was a lot of fun we went walking in the garden and got to know each other a little bit more. After a few hours, it got dark.

Lisa: Well it's getting dark we should probably head inside.
Jungkook: * yawned *yeah you're probably right I'm sleepy.
Jin: well I should probably get Jungkookie to sleep.
Jimin: yeah we should all probably go.
Hosoek: okay I'll take Y/n to her room.
Y/n: really? I would r-really appreciate it.
Hosoek: well of course lead the way.
We both said bye to the group they all kissed our foreheads and each other in different ways I and Hoseok stay a little bit and then decided to go to my room. After finally reaching my door I opened it a bit and asked if he would like to come in. He said yes and he got in and set on my bed we talked for a few minutes and then we got tired Hoseok wanted to go to his room but I said it was okay for him to sleep with me. Because I've already slept next to Taehyungie. I also said it because I wanted to cuddle.
I opened my duvets and sheets and we both got in he went behind me and I was in front of him so he can spoon me.
We both lay down.

Hosoek: good night angel.
Y/n: g-good n-night Hobi.
He kissed the side of my head and I fell asleep and he also fell asleep.

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