Chapter 2: Having Lunch with the Soulmates

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Y/n pov
It was morning and it was almost lunchtime. I was alone today because Allison was not feeling good so she stayed in her room. I went to our lunch table. I was just minding my own business and eating my food that's when I looked up and saw "the soulmates" staring at me Rosé got off the table with Hoseok and went towards my table. As they were coming over they were holding hands. I saw this on her chest and on his leg I was a little bit nervous.

 I saw this on her chest and on his leg I was a little bit nervous

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Rosé pov We were eating and talking about stuff that's when Y/n walk through the cafeteria doors and then went towards her table

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Rosé pov
We were eating and talking about stuff that's when Y/n walk through the cafeteria doors and then went towards her table.
Taehyung: Is it just me or does y/n have a soul Mark that looks exactly like the butterfly we share?

We all look at where he was pointing at . I looked at it and it kind of looked like a butterfly but it could be anything right? That doesn't mean she's our soulmate right? I mean it's good that we will probably be going to have another soulmate right? Oh no, what if she doesn't like us, or what if she'll never like us? I was probably taking a long time that's when Jin saw that I was shaking and sweating.

Jin: hey Rosie are you okay? * he was blinking 4 times and fiddling with his fingers*

Rosé: yeah I'm fine I'm just worried that she doesn't even like us or she will never like us.
Namjoon: Rosie sweetheart don't worry about it she'll probably like us 
Jennie: well yeah definitely but I was pretty rude to her yesterday.
Jin: Why were you rude?
Jennie: I don't know maybe because she had Jisoo.
Jungkook: oh really what happened to her are you okay Jisoo?
Jisoo: yeah I'm fine she didn't do anything she just took me to my room because Lisa didn't
Lisa: sorry about that yesterday Jisoo unnie that I didn't take you to your room I was just scared Alice would appear.

Alice is one of Lisa's personalities she has everybody scared of her.

Rosé: anyway I think I'm going to go down there and ask her to sit down with us or eat her lunch with us.
Yoongi: are you sure you want to do that babe?
Rosé:Yes? Or Maybe not? What if she doesn't? what if she screams at me? or what if she says no and then runs away? or she doesn't want anything to do with us?
Hoseok: do you want me to go with you, Rosie?
Rosé: yes please babe.
We started walking in her Direction my heart was beating so fast that I was sweating hoseok noticed this and grabbed my hand. I looked up at him and he smiled and I smiled at him too.

When we got there we asked.
Rosé: hey you are Y/n right?
Y/n: Yes d...did I something w -wrong? I...I swear I was only helping Jisoo
Hoseok: no no no we just wanted to invite you to come to sit with us.
Rosé:Yeah I saw that you were alone so figured out you wanted to eat with someone
Y/n: I...I don't, I don't want to be a bother to you probably want to spend time together I don't want to be the third wheel.
Hoseok: you're not a bother.
Y/n: okays...sure * she was trembling and she was blushing*
Rosé: okay let's go

Y/n pov
I was nervous the truth was they were 11 people at that table and I'm just one. I'm scared that they're all going to hate me or I'm going to embarrass myself in front of them. I don't even know why I said yes. To say I was afraid would be an understatement but my therapist said that if I want to get better I have to socialize with people more.

I know but I'm scared that get attached to them and they're just going to leave me or them going to make fun of me and they going to talk bad about me behind my back.
Anyway, I sit down because they pulled a chair from another table from me to sit but not before Jin gets out of his chair and starts cleaning my chair at least two times.

Lisa: you are Y/n right?
Jungkook: Cool
Rosé:so y/n old are
Y/n: I a-am nineteen y...years o...old a-anyway what a...are t...the d...disorders? guys d..don't h...have to a...answer it's f...fine I'm s...sorry, I asked that's a personal question I shouldn't have asked God I'm so s...stupid I'm embarrassing myself I'll just go probably don't w...want to h...hang out with me a...anymore.
Jisoo: Hey Y/n it's perfectly fine you asking that and you're not stupid and you're not embarrassing yourself don't go we kind of want to hang out with you.
Rosé:yeah you seem cool
Y/n: ok
Jennie: and to answer your question I have bipolar disorder.
Jin: I have Tourette's syndrome and OCD
Taehyung: depressive mood
Namjoon: anger issues
Lisa: multiple personality disorder
Jisoo: as you can see I have blindness
Rosé: I have Generalized anxiety disorder and I am deaf a little bit
Jungkook: Schizophrenia
Hoseok: insomnia
Jimin: Anorexia Disorder and hallucinations so what do you have?
Y/n: social anxiety and learning disability I understand if you guys don't want to hang out with me anymore.
Namjoon: do you think we care for your learning disability?
Y/n: y...yes
Jennie: well we don't you're perfect the way you are.
Jimin: And we don't care what other people think about you.
We talked a little and then I was tired so I didn't even eat dinner cuz I fell asleep

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