Chapter 16: talking to Taehyung for the first time

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Y/n pov
Today I woke up so refreshed and in a good mood normally.  So when I woke up in such a good mood it was strange. So after that, I decided to go to the cafeteria because it was breakfast time and I was very hungry I could probably eat a whole cow right now at how hungry I was.
So I go downstairs to the cafeteria and go in line to get what I want I bring some 🧇🥛 after that I decided to look for a table I could use until I caught the side of something that was rare it was Taehyung eating alone. I've never really talked to him before it was always his other soulmates. So I thought it was worth the shot to go and talk to him. So I make my way over to his table.

Y/n: May I s-sit h-here Taehyung?
He looked up from his plate and smiled up at me and motioned me to sit on the chair in front of him so I did.
Taehyung: of course you can you don't have to ask okay?
Y/n: o-okay
Taehyung: so how has your day been going?
Y/n: Good
Taehyung: Good
There was an awkward silence between us right now and so I decided to break it.
Y/n: so w-what were you t-thinking of doing today? If you d-don't want to tell me it's o-okay it's j-just that I don't have a-anything to do when I was wondering if you w-wanted to hang out with me t-today?
Taehyung: yeah I don't have anything to do so today but yeah you can hang out with me if you want.
Y/n: Cool I would like t-that
Taehyung: we can head to my room to watch some TV!
Y/n: yeah that sounds wonderful.

Taehyung pov
So I and Y/n started talking about what to watch in my room I had Netflix so we could watch anything. I think y/n wanted us to watch Riverdale so I said why not because one of the girls also likes watching it. Jennie likes watching it. She was talking about her dog and whenever she talked about her dog. she would get those sparkles in her eyes. I would always see those sparkles in their eyes whenever they talked about something that they like or loved. Anyways I was waiting for her to finish her food. 
When she was done and I was looking at her gently. We're thinking of all of us running away from here because the situation of some patients here is getting worse they're going missing and never coming back I think some staff is killing their patients so were all thinking of running away but we're waiting for the right time to bond to Y/n.
She got up and I also got up and she put the tray on the tray cart. After her hands were free  I took hold of her hand. She looked at me with a stock and confused face and then just gave she smile at me and continued holding my hand.
I was afraid that she would let go of my hand. But she didn't.
We were already in front of my door and  I got the key from my pocket and open the door. When we got inside Y/n looked around at my decorations in aw.

Y/n: wow this is amazing
Taehyung: you like it?
Y/n: I love it it's so cozy
I smiled because she liked it.
So I turn on my TV put on Netflix and padded the space on my bed for her to sit down.
I put on the episode and she put her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her shoulder and we sit silently watching the episode after a few minutes she fell asleep. I didn't have the heart to wake her up so I laid her on the bed. I got out of the bed and got ready pulled the blankets and snuggle next to her and fall asleep.

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