Chapter 12: Background story of Jennie

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⚠️Warning: mentions of neglect and self-harm and bullying

The year 2013(17 years ago).

 Jennie pov

My childhood was pretty normal I had loving parents, I had a family and I was popular and I had friends and  I was rich and I had good grades I would always get the best grades in my class. I have good friends and I also had a few guy friends.

I was an only child so it was difficult for me to have company at home when my parents were always working. In my teen years it started going bad I was still the same but my parents were always working I really didn't see them often and then some of my friends started bullying some girls I don't know why they started bullying.
So the next time they bullied the girl I stood up for her. I just had a strong urge to defend her like something inside of me was telling me to hold her close and never let her go and don't let anyone else hurt her.
She was tall and had long blond hair she also had bangs and her legs were long and she was very skinny like an idol or a model.

Heather: whatever Jennie you're such a party pooper, oh FYI  you're not our friend anymore hang out with this loser* she  laughing*
Jennie: yeah whatever don't ever come near her or I swear to God Heather I will kill you.

Heather and my ex-friends started walking away from the scene
Once they were gone I turned towards the girl on the ground I gave her a sympathizer look and smile sweetly at her.

Jennie: hey are you okay? where did they hurt you? If I see any bruise on you I swear I'm going to hurt them.
I held out my hand to her she looked up at my hand and put her hand on my hand and I pulled her up when she was up she was still looking at the ground.
???: oh no I'm fine it's just that my stomach hurts a little bit.
Jennie: Well let's go to the nurse's office.
She took my hands and we went to the nurse's office the nurse saw the bruises on her belly and put some creams on the bruises and ask her a few questions and she answered them when she didn't want to answer I answered them for her.
???: hey thanks for defending me back there and for taking me to the nurse's office no one has done that for me.
Jennie: No problem Hey what's your name? My name is  Kim Jennie
Lisa: well hi Jennie my name is Lalisa Manoban.

After that day we became best friends, my ex-friends after started spreading rumors about me and bullying me it was horrible to think that I was their friend for so many years and they were just hiding behind their facades well at least that opened my eyes to fake people.
After a few months I graduated high school I still had amazing grades and Lisa had good grades too. She is one year younger than me.
I started being very bipolar at one moment I would be happy the next I would be crying. Lisa started being very worried about me.
My parents were still at work. We were at my house watching some TV in the living room when I decided to call my dad.

Jennie: hey Dad can you book me an appointment to go through a psychologist
Dad: yeah sure honey  I'm sorry I can't talk to you right now honey I'm in an important business meeting
Jennie: okay Dad bye
Dad: okay bye honey
After I hang up the call Lisa turned to me and asked.
Lisa: so what did your dad say?
Jennie: yeah he said he will

After that, we decided to go upstairs to my room because we were having a  sleepover. I touched Lisa on the shoulder I started to feel something sparkling all over my skin and I could see it in her eyes she did too.
Our Soulmates marks both of our marks had initials of other soulmates and butterfly marks.
A few months I and Lisa were happily together my parents knew about us and they were super supportive.
Well, Lisa's parents weren't and kick her out of their home. So she started living with us. Until my dad told me I had to go to my psychologist once I got to my psychologist I heard the most horrible news a person could ever hear.
I had to go to the mental hospital because my bipolar disorder was getting worst because I started cutting myself so when my parents heard the news they were devastated and Lisa cried and cried and cried.
I told her comforting words that I'll be fine that one day we'll see each other and that I love her she was still crying but she told me she loves me too even if I was far away.
I was also sad I was leaving Lisa I was devastated deep inside but something inside of me told me I would see her again and that was very reassuring to me. After I got to say goodbye to my mom and Dad.
Mom was still crying and my dad had a Sentimental face. I was all packed and ready to go to the mental hospital. I asked my mom and dad if they would take care of Lisa and they said yes immediately and then told them to wait in the car well  I talked to Lisa.

Lisa: I don't want you to go I miss you so much
Jennie: I know I'll miss you too but think of this I'll get better and hopefully I'll get out and see you again
Lisa: ok but be careful
Jennie: I will I love you 
Lisa: I love you too 

I kiss the top of her head and gave her a finger heart and then given me one.

I kiss the top of her head and gave her a finger heart and then given me one

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I say goodbye to her and started going inside

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I say goodbye to her and started going inside.

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