12 | 𝐥𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤

652 16 4


❝lunch break❞

 |y/n's pov| 

The next morning was a Sunday so I had my job again. Except this time it was at 10:30 so I got up early. I got into some comfortable clothes and said bye to dad and walked out the door. And walked to my job. After some while, I finally got there. I see Kilian there. He looks at me and smiles. I gladly return the smile back. I started walking up to him. "Hey!" I say waving my hand. "Hey, you!" he says, having his right hand rubbing his neck. "So what she'll I do?" I ask him, "well you can start with box 3 since Katelyn is working on box 4." he tells me. "Okay" I said and walked to box 3 and started helping people out. 

  After hours of working it was finally my break. I was eating outside where benches were. I grabbed my phone and started to watch some anime. I was watching Haikyuu for the last months. It was a prettier great anime show. I hear footsteps approaching and look up. Who could it be? Jacob? The sun reflecting his face. "Hey y/n," he says waving and walking towards me and pulling a chair in front of me. "Oh hey" I replied. "So you work here now?" he says. "Yeah" i reply and taking a bite of my sandwich. "What brings you here? I thought you weren't supposed to be going out?" I said. With that words his joy was brought down. "Oh um sorry-I-didn't it mean it like that" I corrected myself. He chuckles and says "oh its fine" with a smile. I return the smile back. He was about to say something but someone came in. "Mind if I sit here?" I hear a familiar voice. Kilian? I turn around and saw him. He had a big smile on his face. "Oh um sure?" I told him. He chuckles and grabs a chair and sits next to me. He starts eating and Jacob looked bothered. "So what were you gonna say?" I ask Jacob. He shakes his head and replies "oh it's fine I'll just tell you later." 

"Oh" I mumble. "Anyways I better get going" I hear Jacob say annoyed, and he got up from his seat. I nod in agreement, "I'll see you later?" Jacob asks. "Yeah sure" I reply, and smile. He smiles and mumbles "okay." And with that he leaves. I saw his shadow fade away and I look next to me. Kilian seemed like he was enjoying himself. Eating his food and smiling at me every once in a while. After my break I continued doing my job. I kept seeing Kiliam glance at me every once in a while. I'd smile to myself, feeling my cheeks heat up. 

  Its finally 5:30 which in that case I can leave now. I was getting my stuff and was about to walk out but I hear my name call out. "y/n" I hear Kilian. He was running to catch up with me. "Oh hey Kilian," I say with a smile. 

"Hey" he reply's. 

"So what did you want to ask me?" I said. 

"Oh um so when are you gonna be able to come?" he asks. 

"Oh yeah! I was thinking maybe Thursday and Tuesdays at 4:00 p.m-7:00" I tell him. 

"Okay then I'll see you then," he says and smiles at me. I smile back and say "bye" and leave. 

    I walk inside my house when I hear the tv on. Dad must be here already? I thought and walked to the living room. "Hey dad" I said. "Oh hello kiddo" he says turning around. I grab a soda from the fridge and sit on the couch. I look at him. He has a worried look on his face? whats bothering him? "are you okay?" I ask. I can see he tried to fake a smile. "Yeah I'm fine" he lies. "Dad come on, whats wrong?" I ask him again hoping he'd tell me. He looks at me and says "I heard your friend Jacob is being held the killer of Ben" he says. I had already know this since he himself told me but he never told me if he did it or not. Out of all the words I could've said I simply said "oh." I don't know what I shell say? "We don't have to talk about if you don't want to?" I hear dad say. I nod and stand up and walk to my room, "I think I'm gonna go get some rest, I've had a long day" I said. "Okay, then" dad says. I walked to my room and closed the door. I lied down in my bed and took a nap.  

  I woke to the sound of some raccoon noises. I get and rub my eyes and got up and looked down my window. I was right it was raccoons. I walk to my desk and get out my camera. I look threw the photos I had, mostly they were just trees, flowers, and animals. I then smelled like burn. I run downstairs and see dad trying to cook something he was flapping a towel in the pan. "Dad?" I questioned well he was suffering trying to do something. Oh my gosh is he serious? I thought in confusion. I helped him out and the fire slowly stared to turn down. 

 He sat in the table picking out food with fork noting eating it. All you could smell is burn broccoli and vegetables. "Yep lets order some pizza" I hear my dad say giving up on trying to eat the food. I laugh and say "yep!" 

 After that we ended up eating some pizza. I said goodnight and went off to bed. I grabbed some comfortable clothes and changed and got to my cozy bed and turned off my light. With everything dark I slowly started to drift to sleep. 

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