22 | 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝?

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❝the end?❞

|Y/n's pov|

 "Would you want to come along with me and mom to cut my hair?" Jacob's voice cut me off my thoughts. "Yeah sure" I quietly respond with nod. I was over at Jacob's house today, now planning to go to a barber shop for Jacob's hair to get cut. We were hanging out with his bedroom Jacob was currently playing with one of his online friends while I was laying in his bed looking threw my phone on what to do next. Thankfully Mrs. Barber came "We're leaving now" she says. "Okay, we'll be there in a minute" Jacob said. She nods and then walks away. I stood up and Jacob was in front of me holding down my hands. "Ready?" he asks with a smile on his face. I let myself give him back a smile, "yes" I mumble. After my answer he pecks my lips. A little tiny one I could barley kiss back. He pets my head and then walks out the bedroom. I follow behind him. 

We said goodbye to his dad and then walked to the car. I sat in the back while Jacob sat in front with his mom. His mom came inside the car and started the car. The engine came alive and she begin to drive. I pulled out my earphones plugged them in my phone. I decided to listen to some music since it would be pretty awkward. I looked down the window. Staring as the cars past us. And we pasted them. After some while I started to drift myself asleep since the music I was playing was really making me pass out. My eyes shut down and all I could see was pitch black. 


I flicked my eyes open as I felt the car speed go really fast. I see Jacob particularly screaming at his mom by his expression. I quickly pulled off my earphones to hear him saying "slow down mom" he says. I look at the speed '70, almost at 100 what is she doing?' 

"I made it up mom just slow down" I hear Jacob's voice in worry. "If I only knew what happened!" Mrs. Barber voice interpreted Jacob. "FINE I KILLED HIM OKAY" Jacob yelled out. 'Wait what? He told me he didn't! This can't be happening?' 

"You did?"

"WHATEVER you want just slow down" Jacob said, then looking back at me. I have him a puzzled face. "It's okay" he quietly tells me with a warm smile. "I WANT THE TRUTH!" Mrs. Barber yelled out more frustrated. "SLOW DOWN! SLOW DOWN MOM!" Jacob was begging more now. 'I had to step in now' 

"Mrs. Barber please slow down" I hopped in, she glared at me and then back to the road. She didn't listen her speed was now at 70. "BUT I WILL NEVER KNOW WILL I??" she yelled out. My legs were shaking now my whole body felt like it just wanted to melt right there. The phone went on and Andy was calling. She ignored it and kept driving more faster. "Mom your driving to fast!" Jacob told her, worried face on him. "I can't do it anymore Jake, I can't" she said. "Mrs. Barber please slow down" I told her. But she ignored me, 

"I love you Jake and your father" 


I looked at the window that was in front. 'We're gonna get hit' 

Everything went pitch black now. Everything I could see now just pitch black and....

to be continued...

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