20 | 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬?

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|Y/n's pov| 

The next day I was packing for the trip. We'll be leaving today! But things have been strange lately. Jacob and I have been...distant. He's seems off. Today he's coming over and help me pack. But I doubt he'd help me. The door bell ringed and I quickly ran down. Dad was still sleeping in his room. After all the hard work he's been really tired. I open the door to reveal Jacob's face. "Hey" I quietly mumble.

"Hey, beautiful" he spoke and kissed me on the cheek. Already feeling the warmth all over my face and ears. He walks ahead of me and into my room. I follow him and close the door lightly. I walked to my luggage and start to put on some clothes in it. Already folded. He lays in the bed and goes on his phone.
After some time I let out a heavy sigh. I'm so tired. "Hey baby~what's wrong?" He asks, well most likely singed. He sat up and I felt him get close. I wasn't facing him I was looking the other way so I don't know what he can do now? "Well we've been distant lately and-ah" I felt arms around my waist now which made me flinch but then relaxed. "Go on" he whispered in my ear. Which made me shiver down my spine. "I was saying that things have been weird for us. You rarely even talk to me and I don't even know if your interested in me anymore?" I explain to him and I pull away from his hold to look at him in the eye. "Aww baby~I'm sorry" he pouts, which made me giggle.
"It's okay, I didn't want an apology I just wanted to know..." I tell him and fiddle with my fingers. "You know I love you so much, and I don't want to leave..there's no other person who makes me feel better, only you!" He tells me and pecks my nose. "Okay then"
I continued doing my packing and he helps me out now. As I walked down the stairs while he helped out with the luggage I saw my dad waiting for us. "Hey dad" I wave at him. "Hey kiddo, I'm gonna miss you. And your cooking skills" he jokes around. I playfully roll my eyes and hug him. He hugs back. After some time he lets go.
"You have fun okay!"
"Okay" I mumble. "But not too much fun" he eyes Jacob.
I chuckle and open the door, "don't worry" I assure him. I walk out the house and then wave bye. He smiles and waves back. When I finally close the door. I walked to Jacob who was waiting now. "You ready?" He asks. "Yeah" i mumble. And we start to walk.
We finally got the the Hotel. All the way here Jacob held my hand. He still is holding my hand. As we walked a girl kept glancing our way. It was quite annoyed not because she was staring at Jacob but because it made me self-conscious. His parents told us to go sit on the couch well they do the work. We nodded and walked towards the house still holding hands. The girl was sitting in the other close couch next to us. But we were a little parted. "Hey" I hear the girl. "Oh hi" Jacobs voice spoke before I could blink. I pulled out my phone and saw I had 3 messages. I open the app and saw 'Sarah, Pops, Derek' I open dads first.
Hey have you gotten there already? Are you alright?
Hello dad! Yes I am alright! I just got here, I couldn't answer you because I was asleep sorry to worry you!
I pressed send and then looked up to see Jacob on the other couch talking to the girl. 'Huh'
I ignored it and continued doing my stuff. I clicked on Sarah's next.
Why didn't you tell me you were going on a trip with the Barbers??
You could've asked me to join you know.
Hellooo I'm talking to you!!
Are you ignoring me??
You know I don't have the patience right!?!
I giggle cause of her texts. Sarah might seem like a most calm person but once you actually get to know her she's like a ball of goofy ness.
HELLO to you too! Sorry I didn't answer I fell asleep ^_^ so yeah I went to a trip with the Barbers. I couldn't ask anyone to come because it was p-r-i-v-a-t-e.
Not even a second later she respond
Oh that's to bad :(
No silly I didn't know
"Y/n Jacob come on!" I hear Mrs. Barber.

Gotta go byee.

I quickly hit send and turned off my phone and walked towards them. Jacob was now walking next to me. Closer then before. "Who were you texting?" I hear him whispered in my ear. I look at him, "Sarah" I assure him and looked back to my way. "I saw you glaring at the girl I was talking to your you getting jelous?" he asks with a smile on his lips. I chuckle and look at him, "yeah right, after all you are my boy, right?" I tease him. "Yes I am" he says with confidence.  He nods and then we stop. "This is it!" Mr. Barber exclaimed and opened the door. Honestly it wasn't that bad. It looked nice. The first thing you see is a bed. And then you walk to a door and a other bed is there. But just one? "Hey are we gonna be sleeping in one bed?" I yell out. "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you they ran out of rooms with 3 beds so you guys will need to share" Mr. Barber yelled out. I see Jacob walk in with grin on his face. "Oh please" I mumble and roll my eyes and set down my luggage on the bed. 'Well this trip is gonna be fun'

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