3 | 𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐦 ✓

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 ❝a day without him❞

|Y/n's pov| 

as I was getting ready for school and I put on my overalls and a striped shirt. I grab my camera and put it over my neck. I get my phone and backpack and I walk downstairs. "bye dad" I said "your not gonna eat?" he answer "no I'll get something from school" I reply "okay bye have a great day" he said. "yeah" I said and I closed the door. 

As I was walking out I see the boy across from me that started following me yesterday. He waves "hi" and I wave back but awkwardly. I continue walking trying to avoid him cause I'm already awkward enough. 

|Jacob's pov|

 I see that Y/n has left the house so I walkout at the same time as her. She looks at me and I wave. She waved back but then started to walk away.

 no, I wanted to talk to her, I thought to myself.

 I walk to school and see Y/n already there. "damn she's fast" I thought to myself. I was walking to Derek but he ignored me and kept talking to the other guys. Geez, what's going on with him I thought. I get to my first class which was science just like Y/n's. I sat down next to her and I smile at her. Lucky me she smiled back. She placed her bag on the ground. I realize that she never really bring her backpack it's always that bag. It's like someone gave it to her. I like how she does what she wants to. She's shy of course but she's confident. She never really wears girly outfits she always wears boyish clothes, she would wear a striped shirt with some baggy pants. And a necklace her mother gave her before she passed away. Her white van shoes. She was of course always late her hair always messing because of always running and she would always have her camera with her. She seemed cool. 

|Y/n's pov|

it was science and I sat down. Hoping no one would sit next to me until Jacob came, great! I see him staring at me which made me feel weird. The class started and we started to do our projects. Class ended and I quickly walk out I go to my locker to get my other books but then I Jacob walking over here "oh no" I whispered.

 "hey" he said.

 "oh hi," I replied while looking for something. 

"so your friends with Sarah right?" he asked me.

 "yeah I am..." I said turning my head to face him.  He smiled and I smiled back."Sarah is coming to my house if you want to come too" he said 

"oh okay i'll see then" I said while walking away to my next class feeling awkward. 

|Jacob's pov| 

I decided to talk to Y/n. I went up to her and she was looking for something "hey" I said and she still didn't look "oh hi" she said trying to find something "so your friends Sarah" I asked her "yes I am" she replied turning to look at me. Finally she looked at me I thought to myself. I smile and she returns and then lets go of my hand "Sarah is coming to my house later if you want to come too" I said to her. She smiles and says "oh okay I'll see you then," she said walking away. She's so cute when she gets shy. She also forgot to shut her locker so I decided to do it for her. I smile and shut her locker 


I hope you guys enjoy reading this Chapter sorry its short but I'll update more later 

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