8 | 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠

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    After school you and Sarah walked to Ben's house for his after funeral thing (sorry I don't know what its called) You guys arrive and you take a deep breath and walked in. His parents greeted you guys and begin to tear up. You stayed strong to not to tear up. They talked to for a while and then they let you go. You walked around the house until you spotted Jacob. He waves at you and walks over to you. "Hey" he says. "Hey" you reply. Then he gives you look of want-to-go-sit-down. You smile and nodded. You guys sat down in a couch. "So how has it been?" you ask trying to make a conversation. "I mean good I guess, I've seen people tear up but other than that" he took a deep sigh. Then a beep came from your phone. You got out of your pocket and check who it was. 


Are you here already?


Yeah. You?

Yes but I don't see you

You turn off your phone and started to look around. "What is it?" he asks. "Well my dad texted me hes already here but I don't see" you tell him. "Well lets go look for him" he said and got up and offers you his hand. 

You smile softly and inter your hand into his. His soft touch made you feel something fuzzy in you stomach. You guys walked around trying to find him since the house was really packed and big. Until you finally saw him. You guys walked to him and you let go of Jacobs hand. "Hey dad" you say and he turns around. "Oh hey kiddo I thought you were lying to me for a second" he says chuckling. You playfully roll your eyes "Whose this?" he asks you. "Oh yeah this is Jacob my friend" you tell him. "Hello Mr. Hader" Jacob says. "Hello Mr.Barber" you dad says. 

"Wait you know my dad?" Jacob asks. "Yeah I used to work with him" you dad tells him. "Oh nice" Jacobs says trying not to make it awkward. "Well we're gonna go now" You say to your dad. "Oh okay, I'll see you at home?" "Yeah" you reply. 

You take Jacob and you guys go back to where you guys were sitting. You sat down and Jacob sat next to you. "Well that wasn't really that awkward" you say laughing. Jacob chuckles. You guys talk for a while until a man came up to you guys. "Hey Jacob are you okay?" he asks Jacob. "Yeah I'm fine" he responds. Then he notices Y/n. "Oh hi" you say. "Umm dad this Y/n my friend" Jacob tells him. "Oh hey Y/n I'm Andy Jacobs dad nice to meet you" he said. "Well I'm Jacob you want to get out of here?" Jacobs dad asks. Which he was asking that because of the tension in the house. 

"Umm yeah sure" he says. "Do you want to go?" Jacobs dad asks you. "Oh umm not I'm okay thank you tho" you tell him. He smiles at you and he leaves. "Well I'm gonna go" Jacob says. You smile, he returns the smile and he leaves. 

You went to got find you dad. Then you finally found him, you walked up to him."Hey umm dad can we leave?" You ask him. "Yeah sure" he replied. You guys said your goodbyes and leave. The drive was quite no one said a word.

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