17 | 𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫

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❝phone number❞

|y/n's pov| 

I woke up to the sun reflection in my eyes. I felt a sight of comfort near me, I look up and see Jacob's sleeping face next to me. I smile to myself remembering the events that happened yesterday. I never thought being in a argument lead to kiss? This kiss was rough at first but it got softer and sweeter. But I still don't understand why he could've just call me? I shrug the thoughts away and quietly get off my bed. Trying my best to not wake him up. Once I was out of bed he was till asleep. He must be very tired. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. "Good morning dad" I greeted. "Good morning kiddo" he replied. He was drinking some coffee while rushing to clean the mess he made. He was in a rush, "where are you going?" I ask. "Work! They called early" he explained. Once he set down the plates in the dish washer he walked towards me. "I saw the Barber kid sleeping next to you, would you care to explain?" he asks. "Oh um-he stayed over-we didn't do anything bad though" I quickly tell him the truth, hoping he didn't have the bad idea why he stayed over. "Oh...okay then I suppose he can stay over.. as long as you guys don't do anything stupid! You guys are still young!" he explains, feeling a bit guilty since mom and him had done it when they were 17. 

  Of course they've used protection and all but there was that one time where they didn't and here I am. "Well I gotta go, I see you later" he tells me and gives me a kiss on my head and then heads out the door. "Bye" I call out, not to loud so I wouldn't wake up Jacob. He closes the door and I quickly run to the bathroom and brush my teeth and fixed my hair. Once I was done I walked back to my room and see Jacob sitting in my bed already. 

"Oh hey your awake" I said, and sitting down next to him. He nods and yawns. "sleepy-head" I quietly said and he lays his head on my lap. Which makes me stiffen. "Jacob" I quietly whispered. He stayed quiet for a little. 'Where should I put my hands?' I slowly play with his brown locks and whispered on his ear "Jacob?" Which causes him to sit up. I remove my hands away from his hair and look at him. "Yeah?" his voice spoke up. He rubs his eyes and then stares at me. "It's 9PM do your parents know your here?" I ask him. "Shoot, no they don't" he realizes and quickly stands up. "Can I use your restroom?" he asks

"Yeah of course! It's down the hall" I tell him. He nods and then leaves the room. I stayed there until he came back. After a while he walked back in. "I'm gonna have to leave right now so I can go change" he tells me while walking towards me. "Oh yeah that's fine, I have school so I'm gonna go change and then leave" I explained, he sits down next to me. "Okay then" I his soft voice spoke. We stared at each other for a while. His green orbits staring straight at my e/c orbits. After a while he finally got up. He walked in front and embraced me in a hug. 

I flinched but then hugged him. He pulled away then looked down at me and then I felt his soft lips kiss my forehead. Then he walked out of my room. Once he left I quickly went to my closet and picked out a random shirt and pants. I really didn't care if they matched or not. I walked downstairs and out the door. I forgot I didn't grab anything to eat, which I didn't think of it as a matter. I ran to school and then walked in the school doors. 

I sat in my class now. The teacher didn't say much of me being late so that was okay. At lunch it was pretty boring. Derek was flirting with me the whole time which I didn't really care about. Mostly my replies were me mumbling "mhm" or "oh" Sarah kept texting me telling me what had happened on my 'date' with Jacob. I texted her everything even thought we were sitting next to each other. She would gasp every time she read, which made me giggle or roll my eyes. 
   Finally the day was over and I couldn't wait any longer to see Jacob now. 

I was walking out the school doors when my voice had been yelled. "Y/N!" 

'Really they just had to yell my name in front of everyone?' I roll my eyes and then turn around to face Derek. "Oh heyy Derek" I tired to sound enthusiasm but failed. "I was won-wondering if may-maybe I can have your phone number?" he asked shyly. I hesitated at first but then pulled out my phone. "Sure" I replied, "here it's xxx-xxx-xxxx" I tell him. He nods while typing it on his phone. "Okay thanks" I nod and then started to leave but I felt a hand grab my wrist. They spun me around to face Derek. I look down at where his hand was and yanked it out of his hold. "Can I walk you home?" he asks. I really didn't want to walk with him but what can go wrong? "Yeah sure" I replied and then begin to walk. 

The walk was pretty quiet really quite. We were finally getting closer when I see a figure standing in the porch. "Jacob?" I call out. The person turns around and I see Jacob. I gasp and run to him and hug him. 'Wow this is so unexpected of me' I thought. Thankfully he hugged back and berried his face into my neck making me feel tingles in my stomach cause of his soft hair brushing in my neck. I giggle and then he let me go. Then I remembered we weren't alone. I look back to see Derek standing there awkwardly. I walk up to him feeling Jacob's stare at me. "Thanks for the company" I softly tell him. He smiles and nods and then glances back at Jacob and gives him a disgusted facial expression. 'What the hell is his problem? After being nice to him he just gives Jacob a ugly look?' I roll my eyes and walk back to Jacob. "Sorry about him" I warmly spoke feeling a bit embarrassed. 

He looked mad now. His fist clinched together. "Whats wrong?!" I ask him with a worry tone. "Why was he with you??" he asked me with a angry tone. "Jake calm down he just wanted to walk me home, so I led him" I explained to him rubbing my thumb in his cheek. 'Why was he acting like this? We're just friends, right?' 

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