7 | 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧

976 17 12


❝not again❞

 After a while of going to places, Jacob took you back to your house. P.S. you guys walked. You finally arrived to your house. "So this is my stop" you say turning to face him. "Okay well I'll see you tomorrow?" he asks you, "umm yeah sure" you reply. He smiles and you return the smile back. You walk into your house and close the door. 

You walk to your living room and see your dad watching a movie and eating pizza. "Hey dad" you said "oh hey kiddo" he replies. You smile and sat next to him. "What are you watching?" you ask grabbing a pizza and biting it. "Avengers endgame, did you know this movie is 3 hours long" He tells you shocked. You laugh and say "I know" playfully rolling your eyes. "Well I'm gonna go edit my pictures I took so I'll see you later" you tell him. He nods, "okay then" he says.

 You walk upstairs and to your room. You sat down and grabbed your laptop and started to edit the pictures you took when you were with Jacob. You doing you stuff when a message from your phone shows up. You grab your phone and check it and it says 

"Hey Y/n I had so much fun today :)" you open it and type "who is this?" and send it. Then they started to type "Its Jacob remember me" You smile and send a message "ohh" and you chuckle to yourself. You change the contact to "Jacob" so you know. 

( Messages)


Hey, hows your day going so far


So far good

Nice to hear

Why did you start texting me?

Because I got bored lol


Did you had fun today?

Yeah I did :)


Did you?


What I'm I too boring?

I'm just kidding I had a lot fun today :p

Well I gotta go my parents are calling me see you tomorrow

okay well bye


You put your phone down and continue doing your editing. After a while you went to bed. The next morning you woke up really early so that was something new to you. You brushed your teeth and finally ate something nice and not a apple. Your dad woke up surprised. 

"Now way you woke up early for once and it wasn't even on purpose" he says pretending like his mind was blowing up. You laugh "not funny" you say while getting back to eating your breakfast. Once you were done you sat down in the couch and went on your phone since you still had time. 

After a while you grabbed your backpack and said bye you to your dad. You walk out your house and started walking. You got to school and you saw Sarah. She runs up to you "Oh my gosh no way you woke up early??" she says with a sarcastic voice.

 You chuckle and say "stoppp pleasee" you beg her. She smiles and stops. Then you spotted Jacob and he was already looking at you. 

He smiles and you smile back. Then he makes his way to where you were. "Hey Y/n" he says blushing. "Oh hey Jacob" you reply trying not to be awkward since Sarah was there and she would be suspicious about it. 

"So I heard there is gonna be a join together for Ben's after funeral are you gonna come?" He asks you. After hearing Ben's name you froze. "Oh umm yeah I'm pretty sure" you say stuttering. "Oh okay then we'll I guess I'll see you later then" He tells you. "Yeah" you reply. "Bye" he says to you and Sarah and he leaves. "Okay I'm just seeing things or was Jacob literally blushing when he talks to you" Sarah tells you. 

You weren't really focused on that. You more focus on how hard its gonna be when hearing Ben's name. "Y/n??" Sarah said confused. "Oh umm what was that?" you ask snapping out of your thoughts. "Umm never mind lets just get to class" She tells you. You nod and you guys walk to your classes. 

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