2 | 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐬✓

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❝the news❞

| Y/n's pov |  

After a while, it was 6:00 so its was time to meet up with Sarah. I grab my phone and camera and head to the ice cream. I walked into the living "hey dad I'm gonna go with Sarah if that's okay?" I asked him.

 "Yeah sure just be careful okay" he replied.

 "Yea I will- wait why did you ask me that?" I asked.

 "oh...you didn't hear the news?" he said.

 "No what is it?" He got up and got closer to me 

"Your classmate Ben...he-he..died," my dad said. I heard those words come out of my dad's mouth and my heart dropped. 

I and Ben were very close we both knew we liked each other when we were little. Until he got popular we drifted apart. 


"Honey I'm so sorry.." My dad tried hugging me but I dodge it I was too sad I wanted to leave the house 

"I'm sorry..." I said and run to the door and start to run to the only place I would love to go. There is a place upon the mountains with a bench I always go there when I feel emotional. I finally got there and sat down and started to think. 

What happened to him was he in a car crash? What could've happened to him? He was a 15-year-old boy. Having fun. I stayed there for a while until I got up and start to run to the ice cream shop. 

I see Sarah and I run to her she hugs me and I hug back. We start to cry, "Oh its gonna be fine Y/n," she said to me 

"you heard the news?" I said while still holding her.

 "yes I'm so sorry I know you too we're close," she said. I let go of her and we sat down at a table outside. "wh-what happened to him?" I question her.

 "well...he-he was murdered they said" she responds.

 "I-I can't believe it," I said. 

We talked for while she tried to cheer me up. We got ice cream which made me feel a little better. 

|Jacobs pov| 

I was playing video games with Derek and we were talking about that girl. We saw "yeah she seems very shy and cute if i'm being honest," Derek said. 

"yeah right," I said 

"come on you know she's cute," he said once again 

"not gonna fall for it" I reply "mmhm" he mumbled. I chuckle and we keep playing until my parents came in. "hey, your mom called and told us that you have to go home Derek" my mom said "oh, okay" he said while getting his stuff. "bye Jacob" he said leaving "bye" I replied. 

"hey, I heard one of your classmates has been murdered," my dad said (I'm not gonna write the whole thing like the tv show cause I don't remember but I'll try) "his name was Ben," my dad said.

"oh..." I replied still focusing on the game 
"Hey, turn that off," my dad said. I turn it off and look at them.

 "it must be weird having to deal with that I mean he was your age Jacob," my mom tells me. I just nodded "how you feeling?" my dad asked 

"I mean good... it's not like we talked or anything" I replied.

 "what do you mean?" my dad questioned.

 "well.. he was a jerk to all of us he was thought he was cool or something" I reply.

"oh..." my dad said "well dinner's gonna be ready soon" he replied. I smile and then he leaves. I go to my bed and I lay down. I checked my phone and I go to instagram. I decided to check the girl's insta. Derek gave me her username so I type it in. I scroll to her pictures and all she has is photographs. They were all beautiful. I liked her photos and followed her. 

|Y/n's pov|

 I got to my house and see dad on the stairs I figured he would be worried about me. "hey.." I said he looks up and hugs. I hugged him back.

 "are you okay?" he asked me.

 "yea I am I just want to get some sleep for now please?" I replied. 

He smiles and says "yes go get some sleep kiddo," he said. I smile and go to my room. I lay down in my bed and get my phone out of my pockets I go to Instagram and see that  jacob_barber started following you and he liked all my photos. I smile and put my phone back down I decided to get some sleep. 


Oooo this chapter just took to the wrong turn! Anyways I hoped you guys enjoy this Chapter and I will be updating more!!

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