15 | 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮?

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❝asked you?❞

y/n was already in line so Jacob just stood next to her. Glancing every once in a while to look at you. Well you were focusing on the line. The people in front of you we're almost done paying. Once they were done you walked more in front. 

"Hello there, what would you like today?" the teen boy asks you, flipping his hair out of his face. "Um-can I gt one of those milk breads?" you ask. (Aka bby Oikawa's fav bread<3) "yeah sure" the boy replied with a smile. Mean while with Jacob he felt a little tint of jealously cause of the way the boy was looking at you. He didn't like it at all. Once you guys were done ordering you guys sat in a back table. 

     "So where you find out about milk bread?" he asks you taking a bit from his bread. "Oh I found it in a anime so I wanted to try it" you explained. "Wanna try it?" you ask him. "Sure" he tells you. You smile and then rip out a piece of your milk bread. "Open" you demand. He gave you a puzzled face until you explained. "You're mouth dummy" you say in a 'duh' way. He feels a little embarrassed but then opens his mouth. When you were giving him the milk bread you accidentaly touch his soft warm lips. Which cause you two to blush madly. "Sorry" you quietly apologize. "I-it's o-okay" he stuttered. Which made you giggle and continued eating your bread.


You guys were now heading out. And just walked little steps. He was more in front of you, while you were walking a little more slow. Then there was the awkward silence again, between you two. Which you hated

y/n pov:  'no, no, not this silent treatment again.' I thought. Okay I'm just gonna have to break it. I walked more faster until I was finally at his side. "Hey-um Jake?" I ask, "Yeah?" he asked titling his head to see me. "Do you maybe wanna go to the museum?" I ask him. 

"Uh-yeah sure!" he replies. I smile and we walked to the nearest museum. Once we got there we walked around and adored the art. It was pretty calm being around Jacob. His voice is soft and comfort. I took pictures with my camera and we walked around. 


We were now heading back to my house. It was getting pretty late, I checked the time 6:30 PM. 'Wow already?' We walked back to our neighborhood. "Was it boring?" I ask him. "No, not really...it doesn't matter as long as I'm with you!" he told me. Which made me blush like mad. So I looked away and hid my face with my hair. Once we arrived at my house, we stopped and faced him. "Well I'll see you later" I tell him and walk to the door but then I felt a warm hand grab my wrist. He turns me around so I can face him and we nearly a few inches way. 'Was this it?' I look at him and then at his hand which held my wrist. He saw my reaction and then let go and backed away. 'No it wasn't it' 

"I wanna ask y-you something" he tells me. I nod and he opens his mouth to speak. "Wi-will yo-you maybe wa-wanna g-go on a d-da-date with me?" he shyly asks rubbing the back of his neck and looking away from me. I giggle and replied "I'd love to" and he turns his face to see me. "Really??" he asked with a confused look. "Yes of course" I told him again. "O-okay then I'll see you on Sunday?" he asks. "okay then" I replied. He starts to walk away and I walk back to enter the house. I smile to myself and go straight to my room. Dad still wasn't home yet since he had to stay extra late. 'Wow this is all so new. I've never thought Jacob would feel that of me?' 

I got into the shower and let the water hit my body and head. Once I was done I covered myself with my towel and walked to my room. I changed into some comfortable clothes and then jumped in my bed and snuggled into my blankets. I still couldn't believe that just happened! I'm gonna go on my first date on Sunday. What if I do something wrong? Oh just leave it be and go to sleep' I thought. Thoughts running in my head made me fall asleep. 

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