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❝when i met him❞

Your POV- I woke up late again "shit" I say and I quickly got up and grabbed some pants that were in my laundry basket I get my hat and my camera. I didn't have time to do my hair so I just left it like that. I run downstairs I see my dad reading the newspaper while drinking his coffee. "late again." My dad tells me 

"I know I know," I reply.

 "Sweetie you told me not to wake you up so I didn't," dad said 

"Yes yes I know," I say while grabbing the milk and bowl of cereal. I quickly eat my cereal as fast as I could. Almost chugging it I get my backpack and phone "byeee dad" I say while closing the door.

"Bye kiddo." He replies and I close the door and I run out of my porch. I run to the bus stop and I quickly get in. The bus stopped and I got out. There was not that much walking left so I walked to school.

 I finally got there and I run to my class which was Science. I walk in and the whole class was looking at me "sorry" I said. I walk to my seat and sat down. The teacher begins to tell the lesson. Then we did the project, "be careful taking that out, you don't want to make a mess." The teacher said.

 "That's what she said," Jacob Barber said. The group was all laughing and I just smile. I can see that he was looking at me for a reaction. I look up and we made eye contact. He smiles and I return the smile back. Then out of now where the alarms started to say things. All the kids went under the tables. They all took out their phones, well except for me. I just wanted to go outside and be able to take some pictures then I hear the Jacob kid call his dad. I didn't want to get into his situation so I just took my phone out and texted my dad.


hey dad the school on lockdown for something

why what happened?

idk we were just in science and then boom it came 

well be safe I'll see you later okay kiddo!

okay byeee

I put my phone away see Jacob looking at me. I smile and I'm pretty sure he noticed he was starring at me so he just quickly looked away blushing. After class, we were all sent home for the day. I walked out of the school and see Sarah. I run to her and she hugged me.

 "Heyy," I said 

"Hi Y/n, do you know what happened?" she asked me 

"Nope sorry," I replied. 

"Oh it's okay" she replied.

 "So much for getting up late," I said. 

She laughs and says "yeah" Then a boy passed us and winked at me. I made a confused look "did you see that!" Sarah said 

"What??" I reply "Y/nnn that Derek kid winked at you," she said playfully punching my arm.

"What nooo" I said 

"Come on one day you'll find the right boy for you," she said. 

I chuckle and say, "yeah for sure" with a smirk. "So I'll see at your work later?" I asked 

"Yeah," she replied.
 "Okay bye," I say while giving her a hug 

"Bye see you later," she said. 

I start walking towards my house. I was walking but then I see that kid Jacob. I don't really talk to him so I don't know him well. He sees me and I pretend like I didn't see him so I look away. I get my camera from where I had it hanging around my neck. I pretend like I'm taking pictures but I saw him coming towards me, "hey" 

"oh hey," I respond. He smiles at me and I smile awkwardly 

"So umm your name is?" he tells me.

 "Y/n..Y/n Hader" I replied. 

"I'm Jacob Barber by the way," he said while taking out his hand to greet me. I shake his hand and smile. "So where do you live?" he asks me while letting go of my hand.

 "Right across the street", I say while pointing to the end of the road "oh you must be across my house," he says. 

We ended up talking while we walked to our house. We finally arrived at our house's and we said bye. I got inside my house. "What are you watching?" I say while getting some popcorn from him. 

"The news" he says 

"Ugh the worst movie ever," I said and walk away and went to my room. 


heyyy so that was the end of this chapter I hope you guys enjoy and vote and follower!! I'll be posting more soon!!

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