18 | 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

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|y/n's pov| 

"Do you like him?" he blurts out. I was in shock i stopped rubbing his cheek bones and i felt him clench his fist. "no, no not at all!" I replied quicker then expected. His grip loosen and rests his head on mine. Hearing his breathing faster then expected. After a while I took a step back "we should get inside" I tell him and open the door with my key. He nods and we enter the house. It was pretty dark. I drop my backpack and the floor and he blurts out "can we try again?" I gave him a puzzled face. "the date" he corrects himself. 

'oh that'

"Okay" I quietly respond. I look down at my shoes "should I go change?" i ask shyly while fiddling with my fingers. "no! It's alright you already look nice!" he tells me with a warm smile. Which made me blush. "ok-okay, so where are we going?" i ask him, feeling the awkwardness between us build up. He walks closer to me and looks at me with a smile, "come on" he whispered and held my hand. We walk out the door. 

We begin to walk towards the forest. The trees now dancing with the wind. And the wind blowing kisses at me, making my hair all messy. We stopped and I look at the place. "Surprised" he tells me and then lets go of my hand. There was a little picnic in the grass. I smile and look at Jacob. "You did this?" I ask him now walking towards the blanket that was place in the grass. When I sat down seconds later Jacob joined, "yes" he replies and opens the basket and grabs out the food that was in the basket. He hands me a sandwich and places the fruit in the middle of us. 

 We begin eating the food and talked about things. But it was still pretty quite. I didn't know if I should ask him about why he was acting that way towards Derek but I shrugged the feeling out of the way and just enjoyed the moment. 


After a while we finished up and put the trash in the basket and we lay in the blanket. We stared at the sky, as if night and day had become one beautiful moment. Dawn had come. By dawn's early light the riders came, the sun opening up as a flower on the horizon, rising to send those petals of gold to warm the forest - leaf, branch and root. Finally Jacob broke the silence, "you know the first time I saw you I knew I'd fall for you" he tells me, now looking at me and me at him. "What?" I ask him in shock. "Yeah, it's true...when I'd see you with Ben it would kill me. Seeing you hang out with some like him broke me. I thought why couldn't she ever notice me?" his soft voice spoke, giving me comfort. 'Was he really saying this? I'm I seeing things?' 

"I like y/n Hader" he confesses, now sitting up. I sit up too, 'was this really happening? Did he just confess?' 

 "I like you too" I blurt out, almost as shock as him. All this time the things I felt for Jacob were feelings. We stared at each other for a while, and then he leaned forward. Our faces almost inches away now.

"I'm gonna kiss you now" he spoke up, feeling his warmth getting closer by every second. Seconds away I felt his soft silky rosy lips connected to mine. The kiss sent sparkles all over my body. It was a innocent kiss. My lips brushed his, softly, delicately, like butterfly wings, just long enough that he could inhale my breath, feel the warmth of his skin. He put his hand on my neck and pulled me in more deep. Which made me smile into the kiss. 

I pull away and catch my breath. He did the same too. "Jeezes Jake can't you go a little more slower and gentle" I blurt out. "Sorry I just can't help myself" he tells me with a cocky smile. I playfully punch him in the arm. "So will you be my girlfriend?" he asks now getting up and looking at me straight in my eyes. And bring out his hand so he would help me. I decided to joke with "no!" I yell out and get up myself. I look at him and his face dropped. "I'm just joking of course I'll be your girlfriend" I happily say to bring back the joyful moment. His face lit up once I told him that. 

He embraced me into a hug and I hugged back his warmth was so warm I can burn in it. He stroked my hair for a little while until he pulled away. He pecked a little kiss in my nose. "It's getting late, we should head back" he tells me and grabs my hand. He interlocked them with mine and then looked back at me, "we should" I tell him and he grabs the basket and blanket and we walk off.

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