4 | 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐭

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❝hanging out❞

 |Y/n's pov|

Me and Sarah were walking to the Barbers house to hangout with Jacob. We finally got their and knocked on the door. As we waited for the door to open we see Jacob standing there. "oh hey" he said. I smiled and say "hi." He let us in and his parents were gone. "how about we play games and then go get ice cream?" he asked us "ooo yes" Sarah said. 

Then they looked at me for a respond. "yea sounds good" I said with a chuckle. They giggled too. We walked upstairs to his room. He lead us to his room and Sarah sat on the bean bag next to him. I sat on his bed and just looked around. He sat down next to Sarah. "So how about we play truth or dare?" Sarah asked. I nodded yes and we let Jacob go first. "Sarah... truth or dare" he asked her "truth" she answer "is it true that you work on a ice cream shop" he teased her around "yes yes I do" she respond playfully punching his arm. He laughed and I just smile. "okay Y/n truth or dare" Sarah asked me. "mmhm dare!" I answer which made her and Jacob shocked. 

"okayy, I dare you to yell out the window and scream "I love avocados" Sarah responded. Y/n chuckle and did the dared. Everyone started to laugh even her self. "Okay my turn" Y/n said happy "Jacob truth or dare?" she asked 

"Truth" he replied "mmhm I see your playing it safe" you joked around "okay, have you ever kissed someone?" the y/h/c girl said "no I have not" he responded. 

After playing around and laughing Sarah had to leave so it was only me and Jacob. "so what do you like to do in your free time?" he asked me "well... I like to pictures outside" I respond "lets go" he said. I was shocked because of his responds but just went with it. He took my hand and we started to run to the front door. 

We walked outside and I let go of his hand. He looked at me with a look that meant go-on so I got my camera and I looked around when I finally saw the perfect tree it was a blossom. mmhm where did those come from? I thought to myself.  I went closer to the tree and took a photo. I showed it to Jacob.

He smiled and said "wow that's beautiful.. great job" and reaching for a high five. I smiled and give him a five. He took his phone out and started to do something I couldn't really see him. But I didn't want to see what he was doing so I looked away. 

"umm I better leave its getting kinda late" I said. "oh yeah for sure" "bye" I said 

"bye...i'll see tomorrow?" he said "yeah" I respond. Then I left. I started walking to my house but I started to get memories of Ben. All the times I've  been with him. But then I see Jacob behind he looked mad, sad, angry. I snapped out of it and kept walking. When I was walking I see a deer standing in the woods. 

It was pretty I couldn't help but to get closer. I grabbed my camera that was around my neck. I took a photo bu then it ran away. I sigh and look at my camera and I got the photo. I smiled and then remain walking to my house. 

When I finally got there my dad was in the couch. I'm pretty sure waiting for me. When I closed the door he got up and walked to me. "oh your here I thought something might've happen to you" he said with a relieved and hugged me. "Dad its okay.. I'm fine" I said trying to breathe because he was hugging me to tight. He then let go of me. "I'm gonna go to my room and get some rest" I said. He nodded and I walked upstairs to my room. 

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