9 | "𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐲"

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The next morning Y/n woke up early and got everything ready. She was walking downstairs and she saw her dad. "Hey dad, where are you going?" you ask "oh we found some news on the what had happened to Ben's death so I'm heading to work" he says and finishing his coffee. "Oh" you said. "Well I'm off" dad says getting up from the seat and getting his keys. "Oh okay, I'll see later?" you ask. "Oh I'm gonna be working late sweetie" he replies. "Oh okay then, I'll probably be looking for a job then" you tell him. "Okay good" he says. "Bye dad" you call out "Bye kiddo" and he left. You start to get your things and a few minutes later you leave the house. 

You start to head off to school. You finally got there and you walked inside school but then someone pulled your arm. They turn you around and see who it was. "Oh my gosh Sarah you scared me" you say. "Oh sorry" she tells you. "Its fine, anyways whats up?" you ask her. 

"So whats happening with you and Jacob?" she asks.  "Geezes Sarah nothing is happening literally we're just friends and its gonna stay like that" you stated. 

She smirked and says "hmm suree." You laugh "Oh my gosh lets just head to class"  Y/n said. They walked in class.  But Y/n didn't see the person she wanted to see. The whole afternoon school was boring. Finally when it ended she walked back to her home. 

Later she was gonna meet up with Sarah so she was looking forward to that. Her dad wasn't home yet so she waited in her bedroom.

 After doing some homework she heard pebbles throwing in her window. She didn't pay much attention but it caught her eye. She walked to her window and looked down and Jacob. She was surprised, she opened her window "wh-what are you doing here?" she asks. 

Jacob laughs and calls out "I came to see" he says with a whole smile on his face. "You know your a dumb teen boy" you say laughing. He laughs too. He tries to climb to your window but he fails. "Oh my gosh just go to the front door I'll open it" you tell him. "No, I can do this" he says and then tries to climb up again. He fails, he keeps trying until he finally says "yeah I think I'm just gonna go to front door" he says embarrassed and starts to walk away. You laugh and run to the front door. You open it and you see Jacob smiling. 

You let him in and you walk to the kitchen. He follows, "So why did you come?" you ask getting a cup. "Oh just wanted to hang out, my whole house has been really intense" he says. "You want a glass of water?" you ask. "Oh no I'm fine" he replies. "What do you have in mind?" you ask him. "Well do you wanna get ice cream?" he asks. "Umm sure, let me just get a sweater" you say and run to your room. You grab a hoodie and walk downstairs. 

You walk out the door and he follows you. You guys start to walk in the side walk. "So how are things at home? Since you said things were intense." You say. You look at him and he looks to the other side. "You don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to" You tell him. You guys stayed quite for a while until he broke it "sorry I'm not really good with words, I just don't feel safe talking about it to a person I don't trust well" he says. You were shocked at his responds. 


You thought. At this point you wanted to leave since what he said. You stared walking faster almost leaving him. "Hey, hey wait up" he calls out. He grabs your arm "Hey whats wrong?" he asks. You look away, blinking intensely. "You just said you don't want to tell me whats going on since you don't trust me" you said. Angry by now. Jacobs stays quite. "Look I'm sorry, it just slipped out of my mouth" he says. "Well I'm pretty you meant it cause your not saying its not true" you tell him. He stays quite. "That's what I thought" you snapped back. 

You push his hand off from what he was holding your arm. You start walking away. "Wait don't leave" he calls back and starts running to you. He stops you and says "we were supposed to go somewhere" he tells you. You chuckle and say "sorry I can't, I'm supposed to meet with someone anyway" you tell him and walk away for good. 

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