16 | 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞? || aka the best chapter

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❝the date?❞

|y/n pov| 

It was now Sunday, Jacob had already told texted me telling me where we're gonna meet up. Once I've woken up I felt butterflies in my stomach. I am so excited, I woken up extra early. I got into a shower and then got changed into a cute outfit. (Pick your fav outfit) I ended up leaving my hair down and then brushed it. I put on my favorite perfume and then sat down in my bed. I went threw my instagram and just liked some posts. Then I got a message. I opened it


Good morning to you!


Hey good morning

whats up with the dry texts?

Sorry I'm just thinking and nervous


I'm going on a d a t e with Jacob

omg!! That's so good! But have you heard the news already?

yes I know. But he told me it wasn't him. OK

If u say so then. Mind if I come over?

yeah sure! I have nothing else to do anyways

okayy see you then :)

I sigh and turn off my phone. I don't really have my contacts like the other people. Sarah has me as 'bby gorl<3' but I just have them as normal. It seems a little weird for me, anyways. 


After a hour or so I heard the door bell ring. I speed walk to the front door. Once I opened it I saw Sarah. "Hey!" she greeted with a grin. Before I can respond she hugged me. I didn't really hug back. I'm not really used to that stuff. But she knows so she doesn't say anything. She then walked to the kitchen. "You're dad left early?" she asked walking to the kitchen. "Yeah" I replied. We walked up to my room and I sat down on my chair, well she sat in my bed. I continued doing my editing my pictures. After some minutes I felt a pillow throw at me. "Ow" I mumble, and turn around to face Sarah. She gave me a 'well?' look and I roll my eyes playfully and ask "what do you wanna know?" She smiled and replied with a 'everything' and I told her everything. 

After telling what had happened she seemed happy. "HE WAS NERVOUS" she yelled out. I quickly cover her mouth, "shh" I quite her down. I let go of my hand and then my phone ranged. I quickly went to grab it and saw the contact ID. Jacob. I answered it and brought it to my ear. 


"Hey y/n so I was thinking i'll pick you up at your house at 12:00" he said.

"yeah sure!" was all I think of. I can already hear his chuckle threw the phone "okay then see you, bye" his voice ranged threw the call. Before I can answer he hanged up. "Was it Jacob?" Sarah asked. "Yep, he said he's gonna pick me up at 12PM" I told her. She nodded and then asked if we can do something since it was still pretty early. Of course I had to say yes. And we ended up watching 2 movies and then she left. I checked the time and I read '11:58' He should be here anytime. I thought. 

It was now 12:38, and no Jacob

1PM still no Jacob, at this point I was in the living room sitting in the couch.

3:40PM no Jacob.

5PM and that's when I went to my room and slammed the door and lay in bed and crawled into a ball and went to sleep.


I woke up at 7:30. I can't believe you Jacob? You seemed so happy, so was I. But now I don't think I ever want to see you again. By now tears were streaming down my face. And I went back to sleep, crying myself to sleep....


I was shook by a hand. I slowly opened my eyes to see a familiar face. "Jacob?" I whispered. Then I see a smile on his face. "hey" he quietly says. I quickly sat up and shrugged his hand off me. "How are you feeling?" he asks. 'How could he? After showing up late he asks me that? Not even a sorry?' 

"tch" I mumble. I stood up and looked at him in the eyes. "How dare you! You show up late and just ask me if I'm okay? Of course I'm not okay! You're so presumptuous! I hate you so much for that!" I yell out, loosing my patience. Before he can say anything else I speed walked downstairs. Which he followed, "look I'm sorry, my parents didn't let me go out-" before he can say more I interrupted him. "And you didn't even bother to text me?" I snapped back. He stayed quite for a while. Finally I was in the living room and I wasn't walking in the stairs anymore so this was my chance to walk out. But then he grabbed my wrist, before I could leave. Making me turn around to face him. 

"I'm sorry" he mumbled, now I can see water forming in his eyes. "Not good enough" I coldly told him giving him a annoyed face. I snatched my hand away from his. I was about to walk away but it all happened so fast, his hands were now in my waist and he spun me around to meet his beautiful angelic eyes. And right there he closed the gap between us. Colliding our lips together. I hesitated at first but then got used to his warm lips attached to mine and I kissed back. 

His soft warm fragile lips were now moving in sync to my cold ones. He grabbed hold of my chin with one hand to deepen more the kiss. His other hand holding on to my waist. I put my hands on his neck and letting them travel around his soft brown hair. After a while I pulled away. Both breathing heavily to catch our breaths. I see a smile form on his lips.

 "I hate you" I whispered.

"You know you don't" he quietly tells me and then giving me a small peck on my nose. Which caused me to giggle. He grabbed my hand and interlocked them with mine. He took me up to my room and I lay in my bed and then he laid next to me. I snuggle into his chest, while he plays with my hair. I found myself slowly falling asleep and let the sleep take over me.


what do you guys think of this chapter? Let me know :)

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