19 | 𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮

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❝i love you❞

|y/n's pov| 

It's been a few days now, Jacob has now been declared as a free boy. I was happy but also stung. After hearing those stories he had made, it broke me apart. 'Why would he write those thing? I know he didn't do it! I know he didn't do it...but why I'm I still crying?' We were walking out the court room when there was interviews all over the place. "Jacob! Jacob over here" they yelled out. I ignored them and my eyes were glued on the floor. He was holding my hand now. He said a few words and we went to the parking lot. When Ben's father came up to us and started yelling things on our faces. 'What is happening?' I was to concentrated on my own thoughts but I heard my name and looked up to face Ben's father face. "And you! You were with us! Why did you join them? You're so pathetic! You went to the wrong way. Ben loved you! I can't believe you? Become friends with such the enemy?? You don't deserve them, you deserve us!" I stopped him midway of his sentence "stop" I quietly say. But he kept going saying rude things to me, "stop please" I begged and Jacob pulled my arm and led me to the car and opened the door and gently pushed me inside. After I was sat down he came in right after me, The rest of the Barbers were inside already. 

I can feel my tears forming in my eyes. How dare he say that to me? How dare he say that Ben loved me when all he's ever done was ignore me all the time. I tried talking to me but he's just say stupid thing like how I'm trying to just get in his pants. I wasn't that girl at all. I've never even wanted to do that to him. I was his friend. But I realized how he changed over the time so I left him. Jacob put on my seat belt since I was to shocked to do so, and he helped me out. Jacob is innocent and that's final! 

I didn't begin to cry in the car ride. Because it was silence, I didn't want to just break down and cause a distraction so I kept quite. Jacob held my hand and made rubbed some soft little circles in my hand, to make me feel better. Which helped a little. Once we were at the drive way. Mr. Barber turned off the car and looked at his wife and they nodded almost knowing what they had to do. So they left us, alone. That's when I let everything out and Jacob pulled me into a hug. I was crying now, well not really crying more like sobbing. Jacob started to whispered sweet things in my ear. 

"Hey,hey it's okay. You're okay. Those things aren't true okay? You're an amazing girl I've ever know, your beautiful, sweet, kind, smart, heartwarming, pleasing to be with, your you. And that's something no one else can have. You don't want to listen to other's people hurtful word okay. You have to know you're not like those things he said, you are worth it! I...love you" his angelic voice calmed me down more. Hearing those words slip out of his lips made me feel better now. I let go of the hug and pulled him to look at me. He had a smile on his face, the smile that made feel a whole lot of things in my stomach and heart. "I love you too" I quietly tell him, 4 heart warming, unbelievable words I thought I've never used to tell someone. He smiled way more then he already had. "I'm glad you do too" he says and gives me a kiss on my watery lips. 

I slowly kiss him back, feeling the warmth in my stomach go crazy. His lips always tasted like vanilla mint. It made me melt more in kissing him. I hanged my hands around his neck and he pulled in more deeper. Making me hit the window and he started to kiss me more heavily, I could barely catch me breath. How could a sweet warm kiss turn into a heating one? It's very complicated. I was the one who had to break the kiss because he could get out of control. And I hated breaking the kiss. But I had to no matter what, cause I can cause a big problem after words. I slowly pulled away making the silence break by a mwah. 

"Hey!" he complains and which made me let out a giggle, "were in a car Jake, you gotta stop doing that!" I tell him and opened the car door and walk out. I was feeling better now and I know he liked it cause of his mood changed. He walked out after me and shut the door. We walked to the house and Jacob opened the door. As we walked in we saw Mr and Mrs Barber already making dinner. "Hey" they call out while turning their eyes to us. I smile and wave. We slowly walked to the kitchen. "Would you want to stay with us for dinner? We have some excited new to share with you guys!" Mrs. Barber tells us with a warming smile. I nod and we made our way to the dinner table. 

I sat next to Jacob while the other couple sat in front of us. "So we decided to take a trip to Jamaica, and we were wondering if you'd like to go y/n?" Mr. Barber asked me, I smiled and responded with a quite "yes." They all had a smile now and we begin to eat. "Great!" Mr. Barber exclaimed, which made me chuckle. 
After dinner Jacob walked me back home. We talked about what we're gonna do next since he's finally free. As we got closer to my house our talking faded out. "Well I'll see you later" I tell him he smiled and nods. He pulled me closer to him and hugged me. I hugged back, after a while he let go and kissed my forehead. 

I made my way to the door and opened it and walked inside. 

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