21 | 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞

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omg guysss we're almost finished with book! I'm super excited to finished it and start a new book! Also what other person do you want me to write a story? I'm really wondering who I should do next? Comment plsss I wanna make a other book!! but i don't know who :(


|Y/n's pov|

As I was laying in my bed I remembered I still hadn't opened up Derek's message. I quickly went to the messages app and clicked on Derek's message. 


hey y/n I heard you were going to a trip with the Barbers. Is that true?

'What is with people knowing where I'd go?' 

Yes that is true. What do you need?

After a couple of minutes he begin to type.

Oh I was just gonna tell you to have fun! 

Yeah okay thanks! You too

I sat up and saw Jacob in the door. "Hey we're gonna go outside to the beach wanna come?" he asks. 'Oh the beach...I don't wanna wear a bikini my body is so ugly, no I can't go!' 

"No I'm fine!" I assure him. 

"Are you sure? It's gonna be fun!" he says with a grin on his face. "No really I'm fine, I think I'm gonna rest for a while" I lied to him. He nods and then leaves the room. Not after some minutes I hear the door open and shut. 'whew that was close' I thought. I got up from the bed and decided to check out the place. It was really splendid. After a while of checking out things I begin to get tired for real. I went to the room and lay down in the bed and then snuggle myself with my body. Feeling more comfortable. I slowly drifted asleep. My eyes getting heavier and heavier until I gave in. 

All of sudden I felt arms warp around me. And their hair was tingling my neck. I flicked my eyes open to see Jacob's hair. I turned my gazed to see down and see Jacob snuggling me. "Did you have fun?" I ask him, still feeling sleepy. "Yeah, kinda it was pretty lonely you weren't there tho. I missed you" he tells me and pulls me closer then we were before. "Well I'm gonna go and eat some food" I tell him. "Really? It's 1 already" he tells me. '1 am already? I must've slept late. But wait why is he home at 1?' 

"Where were you?" I ask him sitting up. "I was at a party this girl invited me so I guess I would just go, you were asleep so I didn't want to wake you up" he explains but I still had my worries, I guess I'll just let it slip, just this once! "Oh..um-okay then, I guess I'll just go back asleep" I say and bury my face into the pillow. I hear his chuckle and then a amount of weight next to me. Hands found their way around my waist. I sigh and then closed my eyes again. 


The next morning I woke up to Jacob playing with my h/c locks. I flick my eyes open, "good morning sleepy head" I hear Jacob's velvet voice speak. A smile was form in my lips "good morning" I lazily replied and sat up. It's always nice waking up to hearing Jacob's voice and his beautiful features. I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I got myself ready and then walked out to see Jacob waiting patiently in the bed. I walked to the bed and sat next to him, "My mom said we're gonna go eat down a restaurant" he tells me. I nod and he walks to the bathroom. I go on my phone to check I have a new message. I clicked on it,


hey kiddo how is your morning? Are you okay?

'Why is he checking on me so much? I told him I was gonna be fine.'

Good morning dad I'm doing okay. How about you? 

I clicked out of the app and right on time Jacob walked out. "Ready?" he asks

"yes" I replied and then stood up we walked out the room to see his parents already waiting. "Good morning!" Mrs. Barber exclaimed. I nod and greeted her. We walked out the room and walked to the restaurant.

Once we got there we picked out our food and then sat down in a table. We begin eating and having a conversation. But then out of nowhere police men begin to come in our table, "Mrs. Barber?" one of the men of the restaurant asks us.


"The police men would like a word with your son" he tells us. 'Jacob? Why?' The begin to tells us things. Mr. Barber came in and asked us what was going on. 'What is happening?' We stood up and walked with police men. My hand was holding Jacob's now but I  was tugging into Jacob's shirt. We were taken to the station and they took Jacob. My feet was jumping up and down as we waited for Jacob. 


Finally after a while he finally was free. After that it was all silent. "What happened?" I ask him quietly. "It's okay they just asked me some questions" he tells me. I nod and then we walked to the hotel. 

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