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❝shutting the door❞

 After a while of starting. Jacob decided to lean. Y/n didn't understand what he was trying to do. Then she realized and got up quickly. "umm sorry I um um I-I have to go" you say and start to walk away. Jacob just stayed there confused What had he done, why did she pull away? Thats all he could think of right now. 

|Y/n's pov| 

What just happened?? Was he trying to kiss me-?? I'm so confused maybe he was just playing with me right?? But he doesn't feel like those people. Oh god. 

I finally got to my house and see my dad in the dinning room. "Hey kiddo I was waiting for you, where were you?" "oh i'm so sorry dad I was at a friends house" I tell him "oh okay that's alright" he said. I smile "is it okay if I can skip dinner?" I ask since I wasn't feeling that well. "Yeah sure as long as your alright?" he asked concerned. "Yeah I'm alright" I respond with a smile, "okay then" he said. 

I walked up to my room and laid with my bed. Gosh what am I gonna do now? I thought and put a hand in my face, exhausted. I grabbed my phone and my earphones I place them in my ears and I put on my favorite song. I sat down and just looked at the ceiling. 

I eventually got tired and went to sleep. The next day I woke with my dad in my face "hey kiddo your late to school, get up" he said. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "what time is it?" I ask. "Its 9:30" he replied. "Oh shoot" I say and get up quickly and grab my backpack and my phone. I was about to walk downstairs when my dad stopped me "aren't you gonna change?" "hmm fine" I replied. He walks out of my room and I grab a cream over sized shirt. I decided not to change pants since they were clean and no one would notice. I run downstairs and grab a apple "byee dad" I say "bye kiddo stay safe" "mhm" I reply. 

I grab my shoes and put them on as quickly as possible since I was a hour late already. I walk out the house and run to school. When I finally got there I run to my class trying not to get caught since I was running. I finally got to my class and everyone was staring. "Ahh someone is late to class" the teacher says. I duck my head and walk to my desk which is behind Jacobs. I sat down and grab my books and place my backpack in the floor. I turn to the page we where on. Then out of know where I feel breathing in my neck. 

"Hey" the person said. I turn my head a little to see who it was and it was Jacob. I really didn't want to talk to him since yesterday. I ignore him and continue doing my work. Eventually he gave up and focused on his work. After hours in my classes it was finally over. I walk up to Sarah's locker. I rest my back next to her locker and look up at the ceiling. "Have you ever just shut a door when something magical was about to happen?" I ask her staring at the ceiling, "No, why" she asked. "Oh no nothing I was just wondering" I quickly respond nervously.

 "oh..well always tend to think about what I'm gonna do and if its good then I don't shut it but if its bad then I shut it of course" she said locking her locker. 

We then walk out the school but then I hear my name called out "Y/N" someone yells. We look back and I see Jacob walking towards us. "oh hey" I say awkwardly, "umm I wanted to talk to you" he says nervous and runs his hands threw his hair. "oh umm yeah sure.." I reply. But he didn't say anything he looked at Sarah giving her a look for her to leave. "Oh yeah right i'll just see you later Y/n" Sarah said. And she left great. 

Great now its just me and Jacob whoo okay I got this. I thought. 

"So what did you want to say?" I ask concerned. "Right, look I'm sorry for what happened yesterday I wasn't thinking straight I just thought we were on the same page?" he says. "oh its okay I was maybe over reacting" I say. He smiles and says "soo are we good?" I smile and nod yes. "Great so you wanna hangout?" he asks nervously. "yeah sure" I say and smile. He returns the smile and grabs my hand and his soft touch warmed my hand. 

We were walking and talking and then he said "so my parents aren't gonna let me go to school right now since the whole Ben thing so if you ever want to hangout I'm in my house" he chuckles after that. "okay cool" I say. We start to run and he took me into the woods. "Wanna play hide n seek?" he asks. "umm sure" I reply. "okay you start" he says "finee." I count up to 30 since he told me. I start to look around but all I saw was trees. Then I heard footsteps in back of me. I turn around and "boo" he yells and makes me jump. And I put a hand in my chest and yell "JACOB" he starts to run and I run after him. 

After a while of chasing I gave up and sat on the grass. Then I feel someone behind me and Jacob puts his hands on my eyes. "Guess who" he says "you dummy its Jacob of course" I say with a laugh. "Correct" he says and walking in front of me. "So now what?" I ask. "I don't know" he replies. "Wanna run away?" he asks excited for some reason. "Umm are you serious?" I ask with a chuckle, "just for a few minutes" he says. "hmm fine" I say. He stands up and he opens his hand so I can take it. I smile and grab his hand. I got up and we start to run. "Slow down" I say laughing. But he didn't listen. I was starting to think he likes holding my hand since every now and then he grabs it. We stopped at a gas station and we grab some snacks. We didn't went that far away from town. We had a lot of fun. 

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