Chapter 16-Please don't leave me

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It's a lonely thing, protecting a breakable heart.
-Atticus Poetry, Love her wild

Evan and I exited the room and walked in silence. He looked kind of miserable and I felt guilty for putting him through this. It was my fault I didn't tell my parents earlier about what happened at that stupid boarding school. I'm a coward, what can I say?

Piper and James were waiting for us. We took a sit and all four of us stood in complete silence. A slow song started playing and couples started gathering on the dance floor. I saw my parents approaching us and I prayed they weren't going to do what I thought they were going to do. But that's exactly what they did.

"Come on. Up, up. Let's dance." My mom said, unusually happy. She grabbed Piper's and James' hands and dragged them to the dance floor. They looked uncomfortable, but my mom didn't really care. "Kora." My mom gave me a look and I tried to look everywhere but in her eyes. "It's Christmas, Kora."

I sighed and nodded my head reluctantly. She gave me a big, fake smile and left us. I got up and approached Evan. He was looking down at his hands and didn't bother to notice me.

"Can I have this dance?" I asked extending my hand.

He looked up at me, surprised. He quickly let his eyes travel all over my body and then looked back into my eyes. A small, cute frown appeared on his flawless face.

"It would be my pleasure." He held my hand and led me to the dance floor. Piper grinned at me and James gave me a small, sad smile.

I inhaled a deep breath as Evan put one hand on my waist, bringing me closer to his body. His other hand held mine so gently, sending shivers all over my body. He moved his hand from my waist to the small of my back. My whole skin was covered in goose bumps and he felt it, because my dress was backless.

I buried my face in his neck, letting him lead me. I was so content in that moment and nothing could change that. We danced in silence, listening to the slow music that was matching my heart beat perfectly.

"I missed you. I missed this." I said and I felt him tense up.

He didn't say anything. He just continued to hold me and it was enough for me.

Piper's POV

"They look good together." James said and I just nodded, giving him a small smile. He was a good dancer but it was clear his mind was somewhere else. He kept staring at them as they danced. They did look good together, perfect even. The way they moved in sync, it's like they were made for each other. James wasn't the only one staring at them. Mr. Reed was following Evan's every move, ready to jump on him.

"She's happy, isn't she?" James asked me and I tried to find the perfect words. He was already hurt and I didn't want to make it worse.

"She is, but..."

"That's all I want to know. She deserves to be happy. And if he can give her that..." He took a deep breath.

"You made her happy too. It's not a competition. She loves you very much."

"But she loves him more." He said, tensing his jaw.

"She never said that. She actually said she doesn't love him."

"She does love him. She always has. She just doesn't want to admit it, because she's afraid of getting hurt."

We remained in silence for the rest of the dance. He wasn't looking at them anymore.

Kora's POV

The song was over and we parted. I looked into his eyes but he avoided my gaze.

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