Chapter 6-Daddy issues

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You knew what you were doing and you knew it would hurt me, but somehow that didn't stop you...

3rd person

You'd think it wouldn't affect Evan so much, because she was wearing these clothes instead of sexy tight jeans, but seeing her in his clothes did something to him he didn't want to admit. It made him feel slightly possessive and he hated that. It also made him proud to see she was so comfortable. And there was another feeling. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but it made him feel warm inside and unbelievably happy.

He didn't realize she had fallen asleep until she moved closer to him and he saw how peaceful she looked. He smiled, taking a few seconds to admire how magical she looked.

Then he groaned and went to the side of her bed picking her up bridal style and kicking off the covers she was sleeping on. He acted almost on instinct. He had to do anything in his power to make her comfortable. He laid her down gently and covered her with a blanket. She mumbled something in her sleep, but he couldn't understand her. He stood there frozen just looking at her as if he was in a trance. He was mystified by her, and all she did was sleep.

A loud knock startled him. He opened the door and a furious Piper pushed past him.

"Where is she? She hasn't returned yet." She demanded answers.

Evan frowned. "Shh." He silenced her. "She's sleeping." He motioned for her to follow him. He showed Piper the bed where Kora was peacefully sleeping. She had moved a bit so now her black hair was disheveled all over the pillow.

Piper bent down next to Kora and put two fingers on her neck. Then she got up and walked back to Evan. Her lips were pursed and she seemed happy with whatever conclusion she had reached.

"Did you just check her pulse?" He asked amused and offended.

"I don't know you, Mr. C, so I don't trust you. Goodnight." She said leaving Evan completely speechless. He understood her motives, but it still seemed strange. But he was glad Kora had someone like Piper in her life.

He watched as Piper left the room, closing the door with a bit too much force.

Evan turned to look at Kora, afraid she might have woken up, but she was sleeping unbothered. He sighed, trying to stop himself from staring at her.

He took a pillow and a blanket and was about to lay them down on the floor when her words ringed in his head 'I wouldn't have minded if you slept in the same bed as me.'

Those words sent a shiver down his spine and the same warm feeling engulfed him again. He shook his head and laid the pillow down, deciding to ignore his brain.

But before he laid down, he looked over at Kora and that's all he needed. As quietly as possible, he slipped under the covers next to her. He turned around to face her admiring her gorgeous features; her long lashes, her perfect tanned skin, her cute nose and her plump pink lips. She was truly the most perfect being he has ever laid eyes upon. He closed his eyes and turned his back to her, because if he hadn't, he would have stared at her till dawn.

Next morning, he was first to wake up and he thanked God she wasn't awake. He thought that she would probably go mad and make a big scene on why was he holding her in his arms, their legs tangled and her head on his chest. But how did this happen? He didn't remember cuddling with her during the night. He didn't remember holding her close to him. But his body did, because he was hot all over. He slowly removed himself from the bed, careful not to wake her up.

He went to the bathroom to clear his mind. He clearly needed a cold shower; freezing even.

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