Chapter 11-The path of a bullet

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I wish feelings left when a person does.

Evan's POV

I ordered myself a cup of coffee while I waited for her. A latte if I must add; Kora's favorite. I groaned. I did not need another reminder of her, but somehow, I couldn't help myself.

I needed her around me at all times. I needed to feel some kind of connection to her when she wasn't here. I hated it, but I couldn't get her out of my mind.

The café was small and warm, but most importantly, private. I wasn't sure why, but I felt nervous. I had never been nervous around her before. She always made me feel safe and calm. Her presence was a bit intimidating at times, but I knew she was understanding.

The bell above the door rang when she walked in, a smile plastered on her face. The years have been very kind to her. You wouldn't say she was already 35. She looked around her late 20s maybe early 30s. But nonetheless, she was one of the most beautiful women I've met. And I've had my fair share of alluring females. She walked graciously to my table, her smile growing even wider. I got up and she hugged me. I knew she wasn't a hugger, so I appreciated the gesture even more.

"I was so happy when you called. I really wanted to spend some time with you. God knows it's been so long since we've had a proper chat." I helped her in her seat and she waved at the waiter. The poor man looked terrified. She did look intimidating today.

Women in suits usually did. But she even more than usual. She looked powerful; like the kind of woman that makes men fall to their knees with a simple raise of her eyebrow.

She ordered herself a black coffee. I frowned thinking how Kora hated black coffee. She would probably tell Jane al about how awful black coffee is and what that said about her personality. Then they would probably have a long fight about it.

I raked a hand through my hair begging myself to stop thinking about her. For my own sake, if not for hers. I took a deep breath and concentrated on Jane, giving her all my attention.

Jane and I talked for a while, basic things, catching up to 10 years of not seeing each other. It felt nice. I had missed her. It was refreshing to talk to someone I hadn't seen in a long time. I had almost forgotten Kora.

But then, of course, she had to ask the one thing I tried to avoid the whole day. "So that friend of yours, Kora was it?" A knowing smile played on Jane's lips. Her voice was soft and I knew she wasn't judging me. But I still felt embarrassed.

"Yeah, she's..." I started, trying to find something appropriate to say.

"Your student?" She raised an eyebrow.

"How'd you know?" I slumped into my chair.

"I know everything." She laughed softly. She had a beautiful laugh, very elegant, but it still made a shiver run down my spine, because it sounded so perfect. Like she was trained to laugh like that.

I didn't remember her like this. She seems colder. I tried to understand what was different about her, but I couldn't notice anything. She seemed the same, but I felt like she wasn't. "The way you two looked at each other." She continued. "Maybe it's because I know you so well." She shrugged playing with the spoon in her coffee. We were quiet for a bit; she was probably expecting me to share some more, but I didn't even know where to begin.

"Do you love her?" Jane asked like it was the most normal thing. I chocked on my coffee and I begged for death to take me. I didn't expect the conversation to go there. I didn't even have that conversation with myself. I wasn't ready for it.

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