Chapter 12-A blazing fire

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I really do miss what we almost had.

I woke up in a brilliant mood. I felt Evan's warm body next to mine, his legs tangled with mine and his arm around my waist keeping me close. I took a deep breath. He smelled so good, of sweet vanilla, fresh mint and sex.

Dirty, delicious sex.

I wanted some more of that. I couldn't remember how many times I came last night. There was that one time before we started. And then after he came, he felt bad and he went down on me... My memories started to become foggy. I needed coffee. But I was sure I came at least three times.

I studied his face, his beautiful features. I called him beautiful last night, and he was. He was the most beautiful person I've met. I sighed as I saw him opening his eyes lazily. The brown was so dark it looked almost black. But I knew that depending on the lightning the color would change. But right now, they were black as they were gazing at me. He smiled closing his eyes again.

"Stop staring. It's creepy." His morning voice made my legs shake.

I laughed at him and his smile grew wider. If I had the power to stop time, this is when I would do it. Right here, right now. Because I was so goddamn happy.

He groaned and stretched his hands, untangling his legs from mine. I frowned. I didn't want to be apart from him just yet. He got up and sat on the edge of the bed. I bit my lip watching his back muscles move. He was slim but he had just enough muscles to make any girl scream 'Take my panties!! Take them!!'.

I smiled as I approached him. I felt him tense as I hugged him from behind. But then he sighed and moved his head to the side so I could kiss down his neck. My hands moved down to his lower regions and I laughed realizing he was already hard.

"Somebody's awake." I giggled as I stroked him slowly. He closed his eyes as his head fell back on my shoulder. I inhaled his scent and felt my body relax.

I kissed his cheek and jaw. He had some stubble and it made him look very manly. But even without it, he was the definition of manly. On a scale of 1 to 10 he was a strong 23.

I got up and pushed him on the bed. I was still sore but I wouldn't mind some friction down there. He stopped me when I was about to straddle him. He placed his hands on my hips and steadied me before I could straddle him.

"We don't have other condoms."

"What? But we had two last night." He raised his brow at my comment like he was waiting for me to process. Ohhh. "Oh, yeah, I remember." I looked at his exquisite body as I pouted. "Guess we'll have to deal with that the old-fashioned way."

I winked at him as I got him in my mouth and sucked him off until he came; hard. He wanted to return the favor but it was already late. We would be leaving in 3 hours and I still had to pack my things and eat some breakfast.

I kissed him softly before I left. He was still naked in bed when I exited the room. I'll save that image in my head forever.

Those damn butterflies wouldn't leave me alone.

Well at least until I entered my room. I froze in my tracks looking at the tall muscular man standing on my bed. Kane. Just great, exactly what I needed. Piper stood on her bed looking petrified. She let out a breath when she saw me.

"Kane." I said approaching them. "Let her go." He looked over at Piper who was more pale than usual and nodded his head.

"I can't leave you alone with him. Should I call Evan?" Her voice was a mere whisper.

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