Chapter 7-Out of the woods

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Here we go again
With your mixed signals
And my second thoughts.

I heard the screams of the students before I realized that the song stopped and the power went out. I couldn't see anything; the whole room was a sea of darkness. If this stupid school allowed phones this would be a minor issue, because everybody would turn on their flashlight and continue partying. But that wasn't the case. Evan squeezed my hand reassuringly.

"I have to go check what's wrong with the power. I'll be right back. Stay here." And he left, leaving me alone with the ringing in my ears and the voice in my head that was telling me exactly what was happening but I did not want to listen to it. My hands began to shake and I couldn't breathe right, panic spreading in my whole body.

'I'll just stay here and wait for Evan to come back. This is all fine. It's just something completely normal and it will all be solved.' I told myself taking long breaths trying to calm myself down.

'He's here. You know he's here; he's here for you and he's going to hurt every single person in this room if you don't do what's right.' The voice in my head said. I shook my head trying to fight the urge to curl in a ball and cry. I took one last breath and decided that I'm not a weak bitch and I can't be selfish; not now. I pushed my way through the panicked people until I managed to find the door. I exited the gym and took off my heels dropping them. I started walking slowly and then faster until I entered the woods.

'This is good. You know this place better than he does. You're trained, you can do this. And what if you die? Is that such a bad thing? Maybe it would all be for the better, that way he won't hurt them. He'll kill you and then he'll leave. But what if he doesn't? What if he goes back and kills them?! What if he kills Piper and Evan...?'

My train of thought made me lose my concentration, but I shook my head and took deep breaths, listening for any sign that there was somebody here. And without disappointment the footsteps began getting closer and closer.

They were calm, calculated and I had to do everything in my power to keep my shit together. I slipped my hand past the cut in my dress and retrieved the knife that was resting on my thigh.

And there he was, taking his time approaching me. He took a long breath when he saw me, the moon lighting the space just enough so we could see each other.

Maybe it was the shock that kept me in place, not running, not attacking, just staying there waiting for him to do something. Or perhaps it was his cold, dangerous but somehow calming demeanor that kept me from running and screaming for help.

He was dressed as you'd expect him to be: combat boots, cargo pants, a turtleneck and it was all accessorized by the gun shoulder holster holding his two 9mm; and it was all black.

He took one step closer and then he stopped. He looked at me, not in a weird kind of way, in a way you would look at an old friend that you haven't seen in ages.

"When they said you looked like your mother, I didn't expect it to be so accurate." His voice broke the silence, it was a smooth voice accompanied by a gentle British accent. Who's they? He huffed slightly looking me straight in the eyes. "His eyes, of course." And then he did something I would have never guessed; he smiled. It was a small smile, bitter even, but it looked genuine. "They suit you. I never thought they would, but they do." He looked like he was talking more to himself than to me.

He took a few more moments to gather his thoughts, in which I had the time to focus on his ice blue eyes that reminded me so much of Piper's, and his short blonde hair.

He had a beautiful face, but there was something raw about it; maybe it was his strong jaw, his slightly crooked nose that was broken one too many times to be fixed or his lips that were forming a thin line, or perhaps it was the look in his eyes. It was predatory, but sensitive, wild but caring. I was probably going insane; it must be the adrenaline flowing through my veins making my heart pound like crazy.

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