Chapter 13-That's offensive

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I'm trying really hard, but I can't pretend it doesn't hurt when it really does.

On Friday, I gathered my courage and went to Evan's room after avoiding him the whole day. It was pretty hard especially during PE when he looked so damn handsome. He was wearing a tight grey tank top and all I could concentrate on were his shoulders. They were wide, muscular and they reminded me of how good it felt to hold on to them while he was pounding in me. Oh, and there was this moment when he licked his lips and I swear my heart stopped working.

So here I was in front of his room. Right, I can do this. I knocked on his door but no one answered. I opened the door and the room was empty covered in darkness. I shrugged and went to check in his office.

He was there, going through some papers. I just stood at the entrance admiring him. One of his hands was in his hair and the other was on his pen while he was writing something. He looked up and our eyes met, but I couldn't hold his gaze, it was too intense.

"I was looking for you."

"I'm almost finished; maybe we could go for a walk or eat something after."

"I had other things in mind." I said biting my lip, approaching his desk. I sat on his desk right in front of him, pushing those documents aside. He was still on his chair, between my legs.

"Did you, now?" He raised his eyebrow at me.

"Yeah. But if you would prefer a walk then that's fine."

"I wouldn't want to leave you waiting."

"Hmm." I smiled and he rose quickly taking me by surprise. His hands were on either side of my ass on his desk.

"And what exactly did you have in mind?" His voice was hoarse and I swear the temperature in here went crazy. I cleared my throat holding on to the little self-control I still had.

"Well, this is a nice desk, don't you think? So many things you can do with it. Or on it."

He licked his lips and that was it for me. I put my lips over his, my hands on his jaw and cheek. I loved how his stubble tickled me. I moaned when his hands gripped my ass; hard.

Me likey, hmm.

Our tongues were battling for dominance when I felt his hands going under my shirt. His hands were warm but my skin was burning. His touch was so gentle, so soft.

"Evan, you don't have to be so gentle. You won't break me." I said while his lips were still on mine. He stopped for a second then he bit my lip.

We parted just enough for him to tear my shirt. Yes, he tore it apart and I loved every minute of it. Next thing I know I was completely naked on his desk and he was still fully clothed. His hands caressed my breasts and I tugged at his shirt trying to tell him to take the damn thing off.

He did at some point and I let my hands roam his body, every muscle tensing. I was trying to be quiet, I really was, but the things he did to me...

I took off his belt and he did the rest of the work of taking off his pants. He opened a drawer and grabbed a little golden package.

"Since that night, I'm always prepared."

I kissed him as a response and he put it on quickly.

"You want it rough?" He asked.

"I'm yours, do whatever you want." I whispered and I squealed when he raised me up and turned me around. I was now bent over the desk, my ass slightly up, just perfect for him. He gripped it and squeezed making me giggle. I know, inappropriate.

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