Chapter 25-Feathers of the night

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The hardest part about walking away from you is knowing you won't run after me.

I was in my room trying to find something to wear. Most of my clothes were at Kane's house and I had no intention to get them back ever again. I was procrastinating the moment I had to go downstairs and see my parents again.

A soft knock on my door stopped my search. I looked down at my body; I was only wearing my bathrobe.

"Kora, it's Piper." Hearing her sweet voice made a wave of happiness go through my body and a small smile settled on my lips. "I just wanted to make sure you're alright." There was a moment of silence. "Your mom told me."

I took a deep breath. I was grateful that she did so I didn't have to.

"You can come in." I finally said.

The door opened slowly and her curly blonde hair appeared. She had that face that I really hated. The one that made it clear she pitied me. I didn't need nor want her pity, or anyone else's. I was fine.

"Hi." She said and closed the door behind her.

"Hey." I tried to smile back. She kept her distance and looked around awkwardly.

I was waiting for her to say something, but she didn't. I cleared my throat and tried to lighten the mood.

"You were with James?" I asked.

Her eyes widened like I just asked her if she fucked a corpse on the dinner table.

"Yes. We went for coffee." She blushed like a schoolgirl and avoided my eyes.

"Did you?" This was sort of amusing. It distracted my mind from dark thoughts. "In his room?"

"No, I- we..."

"Piper, come on! It's fine. You can tell me."

She frowned and looked really sad. "I am so sorry, Kora. For what happened... I can't even imagine what you're going through."

Suddenly I felt like the room was too small and there wasn't enough air for the both of us.

"I don't... I don't really want to talk about it."

"I understand." She nodded. "Have you had dinner?"

Finally, something I can talk about. I'm supposed to take care of myself now; of all three of us actually. That thought made me smile.

"I haven't actually. I'll put some clothes on and meet you downstairs?"

"Sure." She hesitated a little, like she was afraid to leave me alone.

Everybody was silent at dinner. My dad hasn't even looked up at me since I came downstairs. I love him, but the whole disappointed-dad-because-you-got-pregnant-at-18 act was not something I could deal with right now.

My mom looked like she drank a whole bottle of wine, which she probably did. Honestly, I can't blame her. I would too if, you know, I wasn't pregnant.

And Piper... well she looked miserable. I still wasn't sure if my mom told her I was pregnant, but I wasn't about to bring that into the conversation.

"Does Evan know?" My dad asked, breaking the silence. Piper looked down at her plate.

There goes my appetite.


"Are you going to tell him?"

"I don't know."

He nodded and those were the last words spoken that night between us. After dinner I asked Piper to come in my room so we could chat.

It was better when there were people around, when I was talking. Because when I was alone all I could think about were their faces and all I could do was relive that moment again and again until my body and mind were so tired, I finally pass out.

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