Chapter 10-You're just a kid

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I just need you and some sunsets.
-Atticus Poetry, Love her wild

Friday at PE was an extremely awkward encounter with Evan. I was expecting to feel a bit uncomfortable after what happened, but it was so much worse than I imagined.

Not only was I thinking about what happened every minute but I was also feeling hornier than before. He looked so good that day. And I think everybody would agree with me.

He had a slim fit dark purple t-shirt; it was like he was doing it on purpose to punish me. It left nothing to the imagination. You could see every line and every muscle. And it was so tight on his biceps it looked it was going to explode.

And those grey sweatpants... I couldn't stop thinking about them. I couldn't stop thinking about how he felt; hard against my back. God, it was getting so hot in there.

I shook my head trying to maintain some of my self-control. There was very little left. Piper was talking to me about something but I zoomed out and didn't catch a word.

I smiled at her, nodding my head trying to look like I had any idea about what she was telling me. I am such a horrible friend. But she would understand if she knew what else was occupying my mind.

The hour went by painfully slow and all I could think about were his lips. Yes... those beautiful lips that felt so good on mine that night on the roof. They were so soft, but firm at the same time. He was a great kisser and he knew exactly what to do and how to touch me.

I have no idea why I panicked like that when he wanted to kiss me again that night on the roof. It felt so good, but so exceptionally wrong. I wanted more. My whole body was screaming for more, but my brain won. And I knew I had to leave.

I was just curious about how it would feel, that's why I asked in the first place, but I never imagined that I would feel that way. Those sparks, those fireworks that I felt erupt in my whole body. The way my heart skipped a beat and my breathing stopped; I only felt like that with James and I felt horrible thinking about that.

I knew it was wrong.

Oh, my sweet James... I missed him so much, but after what I've done, I would feel so guilty seeing him again. What would I tell him? Would he understand? Would he forgive me?

I sighed relieved when the bell rang and Evan dismissed us. I got out of there before anyone else. I couldn't bare to stand there next to him, but unable to touch him.

I wanted him so badly.

The rest of the day went by pretty okay, except for the fact that I had to avoid spending too much time with Piper, afraid that I would spill the beans on what happened between me and Evan. I know he wouldn't like me talking about that with anyone else, even with Piper.

I tried to keep the secret. I really tried my best. I'll blame Piper for being so perceptive and knowing exactly what to ask. After the 'How are things between you and Evan?' came a few more questions that I tried to dodge, but finally I found myself telling her.

"He touched me." I bit my lip trying to hide my embarrassment. I didn't mean for the words to leave my brain.

"Touched you?" She was a little confused.

"Yeah, like, you know..." I tried to give her the 'he gave me the best orgasm ever' face.

"Ohhhhh." She said grinning. "Oh, man!" She laughed throwing her head back. "How was it?"

"Good." I tried to hide my smile that was growing wider by the second. I shouldn't share the details. Those are private.

"Just good?"

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