Chapter 30-Happy or unhappy today

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It's pathetic really, how much I still hope it's you and me in the end.

After a while someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I said putting away my laptop.

"Hey." James said walking in. I smiled and got up to greet him. We hugged and while we were in each other's arms, Piper walked in. She looked pretty guilty. I gave her a questioning look and she shook her head looking down at her feet.

She didn't tell him about the gap year.

We talked for a while. The tension in the room was obvious but nobody mentioned it.

I was lying in my bed; James was sitting on the edge of the bed and Piper was on the chair. We somehow ended up talking about school and exams.

I looked over at Piper to make sure she was comfortable and she nodded.

"I'm actually taking a gap year." I said smiling awkwardly.

He didn't even try to hide his shock. "Wow." He breathed. "Okay." He nodded.

"It's just been a really long year..."

"Yeah. No, I understand." He touched my leg for comfort and I smiled.

"I'm taking one too." Piper said. James turned his head to her and a very disgusted look appeared on his face. Or perhaps it was disappointment.


"Well..." She started to panic. "When Kora will go, I'll go, too. And we'll be in the same year." She shrugged.

His back was turned to me now, but I knew he rolled his eyes. I could feel the tension radiating in waves from him.

"Maybe you can take one, too. We'll spend it together." She said sweetly.

A shiver ran down my spine. I sighed inside and prepared for it.

"No." He said calmly.

"Why?" She asked hurt. Please, God, don't let her cry.

"Why?!" His voice was a bit aggressive. Not a lot, but compared to his usual calm and sweet demeanor, this was intimidating. "I've been waiting to go to college all my life."

"It's not going anywhere. It will be there next year. Why is it such a big deal?"

I just wish I could open my window and jump, honestly.

"I got into the college I've always dreamt of..." He acted like she was supposed to know that. Low one, James.

"What?" She asked, taken aback.

"I'm going to Finland, Piper." He sighed, running a hand over his face.

"What?" She asked again. "Did you know?" She asked me.

I looked down at my hands. "He applied last year."

"When were you going to tell me? After you left?! When are you even leaving?"

"At the beginning of summer, when school is over. I have an internship."

She dropped back in her chair and covered her mouth.

I scratched the back of my head wanting to desperately leave the room. Maybe I should have told her that.

"Wow." She finally said getting up. "So, you're leaving to fucking Finland and you weren't going to tell me?!"

Even I was shocked.

"What the fuck?" She yelled motioning with her hands.

I covered my mouth because her French accent came out and it sounded way too funny.

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