Chapter 4-Suck it up

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You looked me in the eyes for a little too long to "not have any feelings for me".

3rd person POV

Piper was worried sick for Kora's well-being and didn't know what else to do. She wanted to help, but she felt like she had no power at all when it came to this. She has only known Kora for very little, but she was the most important person in her life at the moment. She had no one else but Kora. So, she had to do everything in her power to help her.

She did something that she knew Kora wasn't going to like but she didn't care as long as she would get better. Even if it meant that Kora would hate her for a while.

One Friday after gym class, Piper stayed last. When Evan noticed her, he was confused.

"Miss Eaton, right?" He asked hesitantly.

"Yes. I need to talk to you, if you have a minute." She was a bit intimidated. He seemed like a nice enough man, but cold and detached. He was like that all the time, except when he looked at Kora. His eyes would soften when he saw her. A ghost of a smile would play on his lips and many emotions would pass over his face.

"Okay." He was unsure what she wanted, but he had a vague impression that it had something to do with Kora. Everything in his life seemed to be revolving around her lately. That didn't please him very much.

"OK. Well... I'm worried about Kora. And I know it's none of my business what is going on between the two of you. I just know that it's more than you let it seem. I mean... she looks at you like you're the only person in the room and you look at her like she's an angel..." Piper's eyes widened when she realized what she said. She didn't mean to let that slip.

"I do not-" Evan knew he would get a terrible migraine very soon.

Piper cleared her throat seeing as Evan was not exactly pleased with what he heard so far. "Anyway... she's been having these nightmares and now she refuses to sleep and barely eats and I'm so worried about her and I don't know what to do because she won't listen to me..." Piper finished ranting.

"And what do you expect me to do?" He asked as if she was talking about a stranger that he had no connection with. But he did.

"Well, talk to her. I think she'll listen to you."

"I seriously doubt that." When Evan saw the disappointment in the girl's eyes he sighed. "But I'll do my best."

"Really? That's wonderful! Thank you, Mr. C!" Piper said walking out. Evan blinked at his nickname. Was that what the kids were calling him?

Sometime around 9 pm, Piper and Kora were hanging out in their room when someone knocked on the door. The girls looked at each other and Kora went to open the door with a shrug.

She was met with a pair of black eyes. Well, they weren't exactly black. They were brown, a very intense and deep brown that almost seemed black. But if you looked close enough you could see some ember in them.

"Hi." Evan said not knowing how to start.

"Um... what are doing here?" Kora asked taken by surprise.

"Can I come in?" He was uncomfortable. He had no idea what he was supposed to say or how to act.

"Yeah ok." She opened the door so he could enter. She didn't want him here and she wondered why he came. What if someone saw him? What would they say if they saw a teacher entering the bedroom of two of his students?

"Mr. C... hi." Piper didn't expect him so soon. She was frozen in place trying to think what to do. She tried to smile but that didn't work very well.

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