Chapter 3-Please damage me all over again

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She's strong but she's exhausted.
-R.H. Sin

He started talking about how we should do a handstand. I was getting both bored and annoyed and I just couldn't hide it. It was horrible enough I had to be in his presence, but the fact that I had to listen to his boring explanations was too much. I rolled my eyes and sighed dramatically. Evan's jaw twitched when he saw so little interest in me.

"I'm sorry, am I boring you, Miss...?" He said, impatiently waiting for me to tell him my name. What a bag of crap he was; it's been three years, it's not like I changed that much. Fucking idiot. I mean sure, I'm hotter and look more mature, but he should still be able to recognize me.

"Yes, yes you are." I faked a nice smile, not telling him my name.

"Well then, maybe you'd like to demonstrate." I shrugged and walked to the front swinging my hips. I walked past him and the mat he was pointing at, confusing him for a bit, but he quickly recovered and turned to look at me. I walked nonchalantly to the pommel horse asking the gods to give me just a bit of strength. I grabbed the iron bars and slowly lifted myself up. I was now standing perfectly still with my arms and legs straight. I was finding it difficult to breathe because all of my muscles were protesting against it. But I knew I still left everyone in awe, especially him.

I let my legs down as I gracefully landed on my feet. With a proud smirk on my face, I walked in front of the teacher.

"Was it good enough or would you like me to do it again?" I asked innocently.

"It was good." He approved with a nod. I was about to walk back to my place when he caught my arm. His fingers burned my skin and I wanted to hiss in his face. "See me after class, Miss...?"

"Reed. Kora Reed." I jerked my arm back and flipped my hair over my shoulder. His face... it was priceless. The mix of shock, disbelief and something that resembled sadness gave me the satisfaction of a lifetime. I had to admit I was a bit of a drama queen; I just couldn't help it.

For the rest of the class, I stayed quiet and Evan didn't spare me a second glance. When class was over, Piper gave me an encouraging smile as she walked out the door. There was just the two of us now. Evan motioned with his head for me to follow him. We walked in silence; I was behind him studying his every movement. He was clearly angry, his fists balled at his sides, his back was tense and his jaw was twitching. We reached a door and he opened it and let me go in first like the gentleman he was.

I looked around the room. It was small but beautiful. A large cherry desk and a leather chair that looked very comfortable occupied most of the room. There were also some shelves and a painting of a half-naked woman. That isn't really school appropriate, but she was beautiful. I rolled my eyes as I took a sit on the chair and put my feet on his desk.

"Nice office." I remarked. He didn't appreciate me being so sassy. He grabbed my feet and shoved them off his desk. I scoffed getting up. "Rude."

"What the fuck are you doing here?" he asked getting directly to the point. He was standing in front of the desk so I walked in the small space between him and the desk and put my pretty ass on it.

"I'm a student here." I said simply.

"Yes, I can see that. Why?"

"Well... really it's a long story. But I'm not going anywhere. But the important question is: what are you doing here?" I said poking his chest with my index finger. I knew he hated that. "What does a talented trainer and fighter have to do teaching a bunch of spoiled brats PE?" I poked his chest with every word and he lost it. He grabbed my wrist and twitched it. I laughed off a scream. He kept a straight face and looked me directly in the eyes.

"It's none of your business." He said close to my face. He let my arm go and I cursed knowing it would probably bruise. I shrugged; I've had worse injuries. He paced a few feet away. "Just don't show off like that again in my class, okay? Or... you'll get detention." He warned.

I laughed hysterically at his threat. I probably looked like a crazy bitch. "Oh really? Detention? Oh my, I'm frightened." I said sarcastically.

"You can leave now." He dismissed me as he started going through some papers. I was about to open the door when he stood up.

"Oh, one more thing." I turned to look at him. "Next time you want to dress like a slut do it in your own time, not in my class."

And that was it. I completely lost it. I walked to him and threw my fist at his face but just as it was about to hit him, he caught my fist, twisted my arm behind my back and bent me over his desk. I struggled to get free but he wouldn't allow it. He bent over me; his mouth close to my ear.

"I taught you everything you know. You can't beat me. Now stop being a bitch and behave." He whispered dangerously. He let me go and I was fuming with anger. I had a few words to say but he dismissed me with a wave of his hand. "Don't. Just get out." He motioned to the door.

I bit my tongue and left the room.

I refused to talk to Piper for the next two hours afraid I was going to say something I might regret later. I already hated this school and it was only the second day. But I promised myself I wouldn't let Evan ruin everything.

For the next week I've been having nightmares, waking up sweating and screaming in the middle of the night. The worst thing was that Piper couldn't sleep either. So, like any sane person, I decided not to sleep anymore. With that decision I also lost my appetite so I was barely eating something.

I was feeling like shit, but I would never admit that. I could handle this, maybe when I'll be really tired the nightmares will stop. Piper begged me to stop but I said I was fine and not even that tired or hungry. 

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