Chapter 1-The ugly truth

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You're like snow,
Beautiful but cold.

I woke up more tired than when I went to sleep. It was a hot August day and the sun was shining brightly in San Francisco. I didn't want to get out of bed; I felt something was wrong. However, I feel that most days so I completely ignored it. I put on my favorite purple yoga pants, a sports bra and a t-shirt, grabbed my sneakers and jogged to James' house.

Before I could knock, he opened the door. His smile and the way his brown eyes shined made me smile too. I hugged and kissed him sweetly on the lips.

"Morning." We said simultaneously and he led me into the kitchen. I took a sit at the counter like I did every day and he started cooking, like he did every day. It was a beautiful routine. I was an awful cook and I was thankful that my boyfriend cooked the most delicious meals I've ever tasted.

James was 17, just like me. He had brown eyes and brown hair... but those eyes, God don't even get me started about his eyes. They were my whole world; just looking at them made my day a hundred times better. He was the sweetest and kindest person I've ever met. We celebrated one year together last month. And to be honest, it was the happiest year of my life. He saved me and I will never be able to repay what he did for me.

"Where's Maia?" I asked. Maia, a 41 years old gorgeous redhead with brown eyes, was James' mom. And she hated me, a lot, especially in the mornings. I think her newest nickname for me was 'Satan's favorite whore'; but I think it's an improvement from 'evil slut'. She thinks James is too good for me and I can't disagree with her; but I would never do anything to hurt him. I love him with every inch of my body, and because of that I was as nice and polite as possible to her, but she still hated my guts.

"She's still sleeping. She'll probably sleep for another few hours. She isn't working today and she took a lot of pills last night." I know he wanted to sound detached but I knew him better than this, his mom's actions were hurting him.

Maia was a designer, a very talented one and she wasn't a bad mom, she just had some slight problems dealing with life. She raised two boys on her own after their father left them and she did a pretty good job.

We ate breakfast, talking about silly things and I couldn't help but smile the whole damn time. He just made me so happy. Our alone time was over when we heard Maia call James from upstairs. He sighed and looked at me with a little pout.

"That's my cue to leave." I rose on my tip toes so I could give him a goodbye kiss. He was much taller than me, because I was pretty short.

I was overjoyed when I got out the door. I walked peacefully to my house ready to have a good day. When I walked in the door, I heard my parents in the kitchen. It sounded like they were arguing. I softly closed the door behind me and paced to the kitchen without making any sound.

They would fight pretty often, but something told me that this was no usual fight.

"Claire, listen to me!" My dad yelled. "Kane's out and he's coming for her." He rarely yelled. Something was definitely happening. But what?

"No, no..." She sounded more fucked up than usual. "He can't..."

"He is. And we have to do something."

"What could we possibly do? We have no way to protect her, not really... He's trained, he's a fucking killing machine."

What the hell? Were they high?

"I know. We have to think of something." He took a long pause. "He can't take her from us..." He was close to crying.

What the fuck got him so messed up? Take who from them? A killing machine? I was done eavesdropping. I pushed the door open making them both jump.

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