Chapter 29-Liking yourself

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I thought you were healing me. But no, you just broke me even more.

I rang the bell. I heard Maia's voice telling me to come in. I walked in and found her in the kitchen.

"Kora, love, how good to see you!" She greeted me.

I looked around to make sure she was talking to me. She's been a lot friendlier since she visited me in the hospital but this was still unexpected.

"How are you?" She asked grinning.

"I'm good." I smiled back a bit terrified by her new behavior. This is the way she treats James. I'm not James. Why was she being so nice? "And you?" I asked her.

"Oh, I'm doing great!"

"Where's James?"

"Oh, he's out with Piper."

Of course, he is. I sighed. "Oh, yeah. Sometimes I forget they're together." I chuckled.

She studied me with a very strange look on her face. "James told me you had a... drug problem recently."

Oh shit, here we go. "Yeah, but I'm fine. I didn't take anything. Evan got to me in time."

Her red eyebrows flew up. "Evan?" She asked shocked.

"Yes." I said confused. "He stopped me. He's the one who called James to come stay with me. We spent the night at Evan's apartment."

"Right." She breathed. "James didn't tell me that. And I haven't talked to Evan in a few days. He's not answering my calls." She rolled her eyes like she wasn't talking about her child. "He sends me a text every evening telling me he's doing great." She sighed. "Kids." She said it like I was supposed to know what that feels like. "I'm really worried about him. I told Kane to go talk to him but he refuses."

"Kane?" It was my turn to be absolutely stunned. "You're still talking to each other?" It came out meaner than I intended but Maia didn't seem to mind.

"Oh yes. He came over a few times. And we sometimes go out for coffee or lunch. Oh, and dinner that one time!" She said happily. I was too shocked to say anything.

"Right." I nodded.

"It's good to have him around. He's such a fun guy."

"He is. Very fun." I agreed with her. I wasn't sure which one of us was crazier. "I'm going to go now." I was already moving towards the door. This whole conversation was just too weird.

"Don't you want to talk to James?"

"I'll call him later."

"Oh, okay. Have a good day, honey!"

"You, too." I said getting out the door as fast as I could.

What the hell just happened?

James called me that evening and we decided to meet at a café. I greeted Piper as I walked through the door. She was just about to come in, after spending the entire day with James. I guess we're taking turns.

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