Chapter 5-The last time

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I hate seeing you, because you bring back the feelings, I tried so hard to forget.

While Piper did her homework, I took a nap for 3 hours, then we had lunch and then I slept for another 5 hours. After we had dinner, I felt like a new person and honestly when I looked in the mirror, I even looked better.

I was in the mood to party. Luckily, every weekend there are these weird parties in the woods; everyone is attending, even lunatic Principal Sevani. It wasn't hard at all to convince Piper to join me and there we were on their way to the party.

Piper had a beautiful blue dress, a denim jacket and knee-high boots. On the other hand, I wore my favorite black leather jacket and black skinny jeans with a white top.

On our way out, we separated ways, because I somehow managed to gather the courage to ask Evan to come too. I knocked on his door multiple times knowing it would annoy him. He opened the door looking bored, but his jaw was ticking. He was in a bad mood. I smirked and licked my lips.

"Where are you going dressed like that?" He asked looking at my outfit.

"To a party and I wanted to ask you to come too. God knows you need some fun."

"No." He said trying to close the door but I stopped it with my foot.

"No?" I repeated.

"It's stupid and I don't want to be around drunken teenagers." This time he closed the door and I didn't try to stop him. I rolled my eyes shrugging and headed to the party.

I didn't really remember what happened except for the fact that I was drunk as fuck. The woods were spinning and I could barely stand. I raised my eyebrows wondering how much I drank because I was definitely not a light weight. I looked around searching for Piper and I saw her standing in a circle with some other people. I took a sit next to her, and that made Piper look very unhappy but she didn't say anything.

"What are you playing?" I asked looking around at the people; I couldn't remember their names.

"Truth or dare. You in?" A red-haired guy asked.


"You go first then. Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to kiss one of the two people next to you." I looked at my right where Piper was just as shocked as me; then I looked at my left where that blonde guy had a grin on his face. What was his name? Paul? I couldn't remember, I'll just call him Paul. I sighed and leaned in just as he did too and I was not ready when he kissed me with a bit too much force; I gasped which gave him the opportunity to slide his tongue in my mouth. He wasn't such a good kisser, but I wasn't complaining. The red-haired guy whistled.

"That's enough love birds." He laughed and Paul looked pretty proud of himself. When I turned to say something to Piper she was gone.

I got up looking for her but she was nowhere in sight. But I did see someone; no matter how drunk I was, I would always recognize him. Even if he was pretty far, I could see he was angry by his posture as he was walking away.

I started running so I could catch up to him but when I got there and he turned to look around at who was behind him, the forest started spinning faster and black dots appeared on my vision.

"Fuck." I said and collapsed. But he caught me, cursing himself for ever coming to this damn school.

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