Chapter 19-Happiness and safety

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If I can still breathe, I'm fine.
-Ix Chel

I looked at my watch for the fourth time. I can't believe I actually agreed to meet him and he was late. I scowled at my empty coffee cup and told the waiter to bring me another one.

If he's not here by the time I finish my second coffee I'm leaving. When the waiter came back with my coffee, I called Evan again and it went straight to voicemail again.

I groaned internally when Mrs. Clark and her husband entered the coffee shop. I ran a hand through my hair trying to cover my face. I was certainly not in the mood for this.

I haven't seen her since sophomore year when she had a mental breakdown in the middle of the cafeteria and then got admitted to a mental institution.

She was smiling and she seemed to be doing okay. I sighed trying to call Evan again. I was being pathetic; he was the one who wants to talk to me and still I'm the one waiting.

When I finally finished my second coffee, I got up fuming with anger. I was walking to the exit when the familiar voice called me.

"Kora, sweetie! How are you?" Mrs. Clark said motioning for me to join them. I looked over awkwardly at her husband. He was looking down at his feet like they were the most interesting things he's seen. I took a deep breath. I was so not in the mood for this.

"Hi, Mrs. Clark? I'm fine. And you?" I gave her my best fake smile.

"Oh, I'm doing very well. My therapist says I'm recovering very nicely." I cringed but she didn't seem to notice. "We're going to couple's therapy and it's working very nicely." She motioned to her husband who looked at us with a terrified face.

I cleared my throat begging for the earth to swallow me. "I'm glad to hear that."

"And how's your life? How's school?"

"It's good." I nodded, trying to keep my calm.

"Have you slept with any married men recently?"

There it was. I looked away biting my tongue. Her husband opened his mouth but quickly closed it when she gave him a nasty stare. I smiled and licked my lips.

"I should go. But it was really nice to see you." She was still smiling like a possessed Chihuahua.

"See you in hell." She whispered and her eyes stared directly into my soul.

I nodded confused and her husband gave me an apologetic look.

I sighed in relief when I entered the house. Piper came immediately when she heard the door.

"How did it go?" She asked with a huge smile.

"He didn't show up." I shrugged.

Her smile faded and she frowned. "But-"

"No. I don't care. He can go fuck himself for all I care."


"I need to drink. How about we go out tonight?"

"Okay, I guess." She shrugged.

"Perfect. I'm going to text James and see if he wants to join us."

Piper blushed slightly and I frowned, but decided to ignore it. This day has been bad enough.

James replied almost immediately that he would love to join us and then asked me how it went. I ignored his text and went to look for my dad. My mom was in the kitchen and she paused when she saw me.

Since I found out about her and Evan, I have been trying to avoid her. It wasn't that hard since she was always working but today the universe decided it was a perfect opportunity to make me suffer.

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