Chapter 31-Ten years

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You had me at a point where I would've left the entire world behind for you.

You may be wondering how I ended up at dinner with Irina and Kane. And honestly, I'm wondering what I did wrong to deserve this too.

Lara invited me to dinner because we hadn't spent that much time together recently. She didn't tell me Irina and Kane were joining us, though. Then she got called to school, because a senior took pranks too far and managed to blow up the chemistry lab.

So here I was listening to Kane and Irina bickering and praying they weren't going to actually fight each other.

I was on the edge of giving up and leaving when we heard a car pull up. Both Irina and Kane shut up thinking it was Lara. But then we heard another car pull up, and another, and... you get the point.

Kane and Irina quickly exchanged a look and they both got up.

"I'll take her out of here. You distract her." Kane told Irina motioning for me to get up and follow him.

"You will do no such thing." A smooth feminine voice entered the house. I recognized her fine English accent and I saw both Irina and Kane reach for their guns.

Jane was here.

"I have the house surrounded. Lower your weapons, you'll be dead before you can pull the trigger." She entered the kitchen and once again her beauty took me by surprise.

She could easily be the most beautiful person I've seen in my life. Kane sighed frustrated and dropped his gun. Irina was more stubborn.

"Drop it, love. Or I'll make you drop it." Jane said amused.

Irina huffed but eventually dropped the gun on the ground.

"Thank you." Jane bent her head in recognition. Her eyes quickly scanned the room. I could see the men behind her in the hall. There were a lot of them and they all had heavy guns. "Irina..." Jane sighed. "I would say it's a pleasure to see you but I would be lying." She smiled graciously even though her words were full of venom.

"I feel the exact same way." Irina replied smiling back.

"Kora." Jane said. Her smile was a bit warmer. "It's actually nice to see you again. You look different." She narrowed her eyes to study me. "Aren't you happy to see me?"

"I would have been if you were alone."

She chuckled and moved on. "Brother." Her voice was cold. "You look just like our father. Disgusting." Her tone was sharp, but it didn't make Kane react in any way.

I actually think it amused him. "Jane." He purposely didn't call her sister. "You have the same crazy fucking look in your eyes that mum had before she killed herself." His voice was so nice it sounded like he was talking to a puppy.

But his words hurt even me.

But she laughed. A deep, real laugh. "That's funny. Was that supposed to trigger me? It didn't." She shook her head. "I'm not the one with anger issues here."

Burned and toasted. Damn she was good. Kane tensed up.

"Anyway." Jane continued. "You all know why I'm here. Kora, your answer?"

"I'm not coming with you."

She sighed rolling her eyes dramatically. "I knew you would say that. Oh, well, we'll talk more about that later." She shrugged.

And then it happened. I didn't even notice when she pulled out her gun and pulled the trigger. I was glued in place. Kane yelled and jumped in front of me. But I wasn't the one she was aiming for.

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