Next Step

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We talked all night. We talked until the sun came up and we were falling asleep in each other's arms. Leanni fell asleep on the couch with her head resting on her coloring book and marker in her hand.

My cheeks were sore from laughing and smiling continuously and his lips were so tempting to kiss all night long. He was something intoxicating I swear, because when I woke up the next morning I felt like I was hungover.

I stood up and stretched and cracked my knuckles methodically. The sun was shining bright and piercing the curtains in the studio. I opened them just to look outside for a bit and get used to the light.

My cashmere blanket was wrapped around Leanni and I was now cold without Trevor's arms keeping me warm.

We finished the song and it came out great. Trevor loved it, like I expected, and I loved his song too. I had to beg him to play it, but nevertheless it sounded fantastic. When it came to his voice, I had to be his biggest fan.

Strong, chocolate arms snaked around my waist and pulled me against a rock hard body, interrupting my thoughts. I didn't even have to turn around, his scent was all I needed to know it was him.

I could feel his mouth dive towards my neck and then hesitate catching himself about to break a rule. He cleared his throat nervously and then placed his chin against my shoulder.

"Morning, Dee," he said. His breath was humming, so I turned my nose in the other direction.

"Morning, Trev," I smiled.

"Sleep well?" He asked.

"Yeah... I haven't slept next to you in so long. It was such a stress reliever," I sighed placing my hands over his.

"Amen," he japed. I could see the sheen of his smile reflect in the window. "What are your plans for today?"

"Call my mom and meet the family for dinner."

"What? You? Talk to your mom?"

"Don't be so surprised, Trev."

"I'm not, I'm proud of you!"

"Thanks... What about your plans?"

"Probably go rehearse for some shows I have coming up and do some interviews."

"Oh! Who's interviewing you?"

"Ellen Degeneres, Word Up, and a few other magazines."

"Ellen! I love Ellen!! Can I come?!"


"She's such a sweetie." This was Trevor's first interview with such a well known talk show host and I was incredulously excited to have the pleasure of attending.

As he held me in his arms I started to realize that I could possibly steal the show. I didn't want to do that, so I would have to come up with a way to keep all the attention on Trevor and none of it on me.

I had been in this business forever so I knew that he would get questions about me because of how exclusive our relationship was, but I didn't want them to make me come out and answer questions and things like that. I just wanted Trev to have his shine.

"What's on your mind?" He asked holding me tighter.

"You," I answered.

"Awww," he joked. I could see the reflection of his smile again. "I love you, Deanna."

"I love you too, Trevor," I replied softly.

"I would kiss you, but..." His voice trailed off as he slowly released me from his grasp. I wasn't sure how long I'd be able to put up with these restrictions and I knew that when time came, I would be allowed to kiss on him as much as I pleased but that time needed to get a freakin move on.

Selfish ~ Trevor JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now