Don't Push It

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I parked my car outside of the restaurant and stared into the window to see if I spotted Trevor anywhere inside. If he wasn't there, I was making a run for it and saying Leanni got sick as an excuse. I really, really didn't want to be here. I caught him sitting by himself on the far side of the restaurant glancing down at his watch repeatedly. I could see that he wore a UCLA hoodie and jeans, making me feel stupid looking down at what I had on; a black leather high waisted skirt, burgundy Dr Martens, and a black and white cross half shirt.

In my eyes, I was over dressed and felt like I was trying too hard, so needless to say I wanted to change into some sweats as quickly as I could. Too late.

I had been spotted.

I bit my lip and looked down at my phone frantically as I watched him approach my car door from the corner of my eye. I had on black Ray Bands to cover my eyes so he couldn't see what I was thinking or looking at, but it didn't remove the nervousness I could still hear the pounding of my heart beat in my ears.

There was a knock on my window and I looked up pretending to be startled. Trevor's pink lips formed into a bright smile and naturally I grinned back, then giving him a disinterested frown. I unlocked my door and climbed out holding a white binder in hand.

"I was starting to think you wouldn't show up," he said holding the door out for me. How cliche, I thought. "I should've known you would be fifteen minutes late." I looked back at him as we made our way towards the table. The look on his face said that he was absolutely serious. Why is he always being so rude to me?! Me! Rihanna! What the fuck!?

I growled at him and took a seat, flipping my hair in the process. He sat in front me and began to attempt small talk with me. But, I wasn't going to cooperate that easily. We ordered our meal and that's when I laid it on him.

"Let's just get to it, Trevor. I'm willing to pay 10 thousand. No more than that," I stated clasping my hands together.

"I don't want money," he replied.

"Woah, woah, hold up, you said what?" I asked.

"I'm performing for free," he answered.

"Ok I just need to get this off my chest, I have to say this. Why on earth would you do this for free? Don't use that 'I do this for the fans' line either, everyone says that. Justin wanted 20 G's and MB wanted 10. They're doing the exact same thing that you are and you're trying to do it for free!"

"I do this because I love it actually. The money just comes, it doesn't matter to me if I get money, I would be fine without it; me and my family,"

I stared at him like he was crazy. "Yo why do you always think people want something from you?" He questioned.

"Because they do," I answered.

"Not everybody wants something, Rihanna," he replied. He had this look in his eye. This look that made my knees go weak and made me fight the grin away from carving in the sides of my cheeks. My heart fluttered as I watched his hand reach for mine, but before he could touch me I quickly swallowed down what I felt and looked down at the floor.

"Don't push it, Trevor. Focus on Leanni," I said reopening my binder. "So what're you willing to do? Since you're doing this for free."

"Honestly I'm not gunna perform and leave. I like to perform and hang out for awhile,"

"You do realize that she's only turning six... They're not teenaged girls who will flirt with you and dote on you, they'll probably try to dress you up like a Moroccan princess and make you belly dance,"

"And that's fine with me,"

What is he? He can't be a male or a human! Who would do that?! I don't even like to do that!

"Guess that's it," I stated gathering my things.

"Wait, wait," he said lightly grasping my arm, "Stay for dinner at least." I curled my lips to the side and looked down at my phone for the time.

"I guess I can stay just for dinner," I complied retaking my seat. He grinned at me and sat back in his seat. Sometimes I wondered what was going on in his head, cause he's honestly not like any guy I've ever met.

At the end of the night, I tried to get to my car as quickly as I could without the awkward and cliche 'I had a good time tonight' conversation. He still stopped me and tried to speak to me, which was extremely awkward. I knew that the paparazzi were lurking from the shadows for pictures of Trevor and I and I slowly became angry while I listened to him talk.

"There are pictures of us in magazines, Trevor," I said combing my hair with my fingers.

"So?" He asked.

I cocked my head back, "I'm famous, I don't need people to have another reason to talk about me."

"If I gave a crap about your fame I would act like it, Deanna,"

"Don't use my fucking government name! That's my final warning about using it!"

He rolled his eyes at me and sighed whilst shaking his head. "Whatever." I turned and walked away from him; fuming. He followed suit and called after me using my stage name, but I only kept walking. And he wonders why I don't like him.

"Would you stop!?" He shouted grabbing my arm forcefully. I gasped and dropped my binder onto the ground as he pressed me against the car. My chest heaved up and down as I stared at him actually afraid of what he might do. He stared at me with an unreadable look in his eye and swallowed adding a huff at the end. He bent down and picked up my binder, then dusted it off.

"Have a good night, De-- Rihanna," he said before walking away. What was that? I gulped and then climbed into my car moving as fast as I could. I just wanted to go home, like I hadn't been that scared since... Nevermind.

The next day, I made my appearance at the court house for Chris' second to last drug test. He was dressed in a grey suit and his prescription glasses surrounded by his lawyers. His chin rested in his palm as we awaited the judge's arrival. I knew he was looking at me from the corner of his eye, trying to see if I was looking at him. He was such an attention whore.

"How you doin'?" He finally asked.

"Okay," I answered keeping my eyes on my freshly done nails. "You?"

"Good... My mom said hello," he replied. I looked over at him in shock. His mom still asked about me? Wait. If his mom said anything about me then that must mean they talk to each other about me. I just fell into the trap.

"Tell her I said hi," I stated turning away. He smirked and then faced the other direction. The judge entered the room and we all stood. The bailiff announced the case and then the judge ordered us to sit down whilst gathering the test results.

"Christopher, I am so tired of seeing you in my court room," he said looking directly at him. Chris smiled and nodded his head at him in respect.

"I have to see my daughter so this is what I've got to do," Chris replied shrugging his shoulders. I rolled my eyes and looked down at the wooden table. He knows he's got me and he's rubbing it in my face.

"Well Chris, it seems that you're clean for the second time. One more negative test and you may have your daughter only for the time agreed on," the judge said before slamming his gavel.

Selfish ~ Trevor JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now