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After arriving home from the meeting with Vince and Hunter, Colby tucked Cali into bed while Rebecca got a shower. He locked up downstairs and insure the security alarm was set before making his way up the stairs towards their room.

Rebecca had yet to say anything about Colby going back and he knew better than to pressure her to talk, she was going to blow up at any second and he knew that. She knew that it was a possibility that they would ask him to come back but she didn't think they actually would much less full time.

He stood in the doorway of the room and watched her as she took clothes from the laundry basket that sat on their bed and folded them, they were always doing some type of laundry to keep up. He walked in slowly, carefully and quietly.

"How was your shower?" He asked and she looked over at him as he stood on his side of the bed
"Fine" she nodded and threw a few shirts at him "Fold" she said and he picked up the clothing and began to help her
"Just fine?" He asked "I know you take your showers very seriously..they're your sacred time alone"
"Just get to the point Colby" she said not even looking at him "I can tell when you're small talking just to avoid a subject"
"I don't really know what you want me to say.." He shrugged and her eyes met his for a moment "I really don't"
"Go" she stated
"What?" He asked, he wasn't sure he'd heard her correctly
"I said go back" she continued folding the laundry on the bed
"Wha-" he was cut off
"Go back and let me be here all by myself raising your kids.. sounds fair"
"And there it is.." he nodded
"There what is?"
"You're not happy about it" he shook his head
"Did you think I would be?" She laughed "Honestly?"
"What do you want me to tell you? That I'm not considering it?" He questioned "I'm not going to lie to you"
"You have two kids now! It would be different if it was just me or just me and Cali but I'm pregnant.. I can't be by myself with two kids"
"You're acting like I'd never be home.. I have days off and you would have my mom, my brother, Nancy.. you would have help and its not like Cali takes that much effort.. she's pretty much independent as long as you feed her"
"A newborn by myself.." She glared at him and he rolled his eyes
"I would have it written in my contract that I'm home for the first few weeks and whenever I need to be"
"I'm so glad you've got this all figured out without my input"
"I knew you were going to be angry no matter what I decided.. if I decided to not go back you'll be pissed because you'd think that I don't think you can handle the kids on your own.. if I go back you'd be pissed because I didn't think you needed me and I'm just leaving it all on you... I don't know what you want"
"Does it matter?" She questioned "Does it matter what I want? Because it seems like you've already made up your mind"
"Yes it matters.. it matters what you want, I've always put you first.. you and Cali have been my priorities and that's not going to change" he shook his head "but this is something I gave up years ago, this is something that I let slip through my fingers and the highest point of everything.. for my family. I don't regret that, not for a second" he shook his head "but going back and doing this is something I've thought about even before you were ever in the picture.. that's why Nick and I started the wrestling school, so I could have some type of connection to the business still.. so I could train and teach the younger generation everything I know and they can go be great" He explained and she remained silent as she folded her arms across her chest "This is my dream" he nodded "a dream that I gave up once before.. and now here it is sitting right in front of me.. but I'm not going to take it if you're not supportive of it.." he shook his head "I'm not going to make a choice between my career and my family.." he shook his head "because my choice will be the same every time.. I will choose my family every single time if I have to"
"I'm not asking you to choose between the two" she shook her head
"You kind of are" he nodded
"I just want to know that if you're gone and on the road all the time that I'll be okay.. that we will be okay.."
"You will be fine.. like I said, you've got my mom, Nancy, Brandon.. and Cali can do her fair share around this house.. you know that"
"What about us?" She questioned quietly
"What about us?" He asked and she was quiet "You've gotta talk to me baby, I can't read your mind"
"You're gonna be gone.. and on the road, in random hotel rooms, random cities and you travel with a lot of beautiful women" She said and he laughed "why are you laughing?"
"Wait" he held his hand up "So that's what this is all about? You're jealous"
"I'm not jealous" she shook her head "I just want to make sure that all the other females that throw themselves at you know that there's not a chance"
"There's no chance" he shook his head "why would I go looking at other women in the first place when I've got the best one already?"
"Smooth" she nodded "but I'm serious"
"Marry me" he said quickly and she looked at him confused "Marry Me" he stated once more
"I already am..in a few months, we are in the middle of planning a wedding"
"No" he shook his head "if that's what you're worried about then we'll get up in the morning, Cali will come with us and we'll go to the courthouse first thing"
"The courthouse.. what about this wedding I'm spending so much time on?"
"We can still have it" he nodded "I don't need some elaborate ceremony.. hell I would marry you right now but seeing as how it's almost 2 in the morning that's not going to work" he shook his head
"You're serious?"
"If I wasn't serious, I never would have proposed to you.." he shook his head "I was ready to marry you the second you said yes.. if it was up to me, we would have been married a long time ago" he shrugged
"We're getting married tomorrow.." she said quietly

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