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A week after confirming their relationship to Cali, Rebecca got an interview at the school district an hour away from the house. A week after that she had another interview, she got the job and was due to start school in the next upcoming school year but she would be doing substitute teaching in the meantime.

Two weeks after getting the job, Rebecca moved in with Colby and Cali.

It had been an eventful few weeks to say the least.

They were slowly falling into a routine.

Colby was in the middle of a workout when he saw Rebecca walk through the door of the wrestling school. He put the weights down as he saw the look on her face.

"Hey" he said as he walked over to her and she folded her arms across her chest "How did the doctor go?" He asked and she shook her head, she was avoiding eye contact with him "Rebecca" he said as he gently grabbed her face in his hands and turned her to face him "What is it?" He asked

He was growing more concerned the longer the silence continued.

"Not pregnant" she said quietly with tears filling her eyes

"What do you mean not pregnant? You took so many tests that were positive and you've had all the symptoms"

"That's what I said when the doctor did the ultrasound" she nodded "He said it's possible that I could have been pregnant and miscarried without knowing" she explained and instead of saying anything he just wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest, kissing her head repeatedly

"It's okay" he nodded and she leaned up, looking up at him as her head rested against his chest

"Not meant to be I guess" she shrugged

"Not yet.." He shook his head "It'll happen when its supposed to"

"I'm just glad we never told Cali.. I'm glad it was just between us so we don't have to go through that conversation with everybody"

"Smart thinking on your part" he nodded and he saw her let out a shaky breath "Are you okay?"

"I would be lying if I said I wasn't just a little bit sad" she shook her head "but I'm trying to look at the bright side.. I've got a new job, I have new opportunities, I have a Cali"

"You do have a Cali" Colby nodded with a smile "A Cali that loves you very much and told me on the way to school this morning that she was going to ask you to help her make cinnamon rolls tonight"

"That's a high honor" Rebecca nodded with wide eyes

"It is.. she won't even let me touch the cinnamon rolls"

Rebecca sat on the ring as she watched Colby working out, she had already had her workout for the day before she went to the doctor so watching him was simply entertainment for her.

"Do you ever miss it?" She asked and he looked over at her and her head laid against the ropes of the ring

"Sometimes" He nodded "It was such a large part of my life for so long.. for it to be gone in a hurry like it was" he shrugged "It's hard somedays but teaching the new students makes it easier"

"Does Cali ever show interest in it?"

"She's done many of her homework assignments in a wrestling ring Miss Quin" Colby smiled at her

"As she should.. it seems like a comfortable place to do homework"

"She has talked to me about it a few times, she's athletic but I don't think wrestling is something she is going to do" he shook his head "I would prefer she has a nice, normal, desk job"

"You're telling me you wouldn't support her?"

"Oh I would support her" he nodded "but I wouldn't like it at first, but I would never tell her she can't do something.. just because she's a girl doesn't mean shit" he shook his head "She can do whatever the guys can do and honestly will probably be better than 99% of them anyway" he said and she laughed "What?" He asked

"The universe knew what they were doing when they gave you a daughter"

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