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Rebecca was making breakfast when she heard Cali's footsteps thundering down the stairs.

"Rebecca!" She called out "Rebecca!" She exclaimed as she ran into the kitchen
"Cali!" Rebecca exclaimed as she pulled the toast from the toaster
"Look!" She held the envelope up in her hand "My mom wrote back!" She said
"Really?" Rebecca questioned "What did she say?"
"Do you wanna read it with me?" Cali asked as she climbed up in the chair
"Of course" Rebecca nodded as she moved to sit next to the little girl as she opened the envelope carefully

My sweet Cali,

If you are reading this letter it means you're asking questions about your dad finding someone new.

First thing  little miss, be nice!

Do not be so hard on her or your dad. I've taught you to accept everyone and that's what you need to do.

If it looks like it's getting serious between your dad and this new person, let it happen.

As much as I want you to be happy, I want your dad to be happy as well.

It has been hard on your dad without me there, how many times has he burnt dinner? How many times has he bought you the wrong flavored yogurt? I've tried to leave him a list of your favorite things but we both know your dad hates my lists.

He is moving on and that's okay, I want him to be happy again and think of it this way.. if he gets a new girlfriend or if she turns into his wife in the future, you will have something that not many people get.. you will have the chance to have two mother figures who love you with their whole heart.

Plus maybe this new person will read my lists, find out your favorites and maybe just maybe keep your dad in line because he needs it.

Now I know you're confused and questioning what you should call this person.. that is up to you my dear, if you want to call them by their name that's fine.

If you want to call them mom.. that is perfectly fine with me. I worked hard to get that title and it's the best one I've ever had.

Just promise me one thing, don't throw that name around lightly.. make sure that she deserves it.

I love you with all of my heart my sweet girl. I love you to the moon and back and heaven and beyond.

Love always


Cali finished reading and watched Rebecca move back to the muffins in the oven. She watched her check them before pulling them out and letting them cool.

"Are they done?" She asked
"They are.." Rebecca nodded "Why don't you go get dressed for the day and they should be cooled down for you to eat them once you're done" she said and the little girl jumped down from the chair and began walking up to her room
"Hey Mom!" Rebecca heard the little girl yell from the top of the steps and she froze and took a deep breath
"Yeah?" She answered as she cleared her throat, trying to hold the tears in her eyes and make her voice less shaky
"I love you" she said quickly

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