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A few days after getting married at the courthouse, Colby officially went back on the road.

It wasn't without tears, lots and lots of tears from both Cali and Rebecca and Colby could lie all he wanted but Rebecca saw him shed a few tears as well as he said his goodbyes.

After being gone for a few days, Rebecca and Cali got into a routine.

Colby would be on the road for the next week so they needed to develop their own routine.

Rebecca would wake up about an hour before getting Cali up for the day, she would shower and enjoy the quiet of the day before getting ready herself. She would then go across the hallway into the little girl's room and get her up for the day.

Once they were both ready, Cali would help Rebecca make breakfast before starting her classes for the day while Rebecca cleaned the house or got whatever needed to be done, finished.

Once school was complete, Rebecca would take Cali to whatever after school activity she had that day, which more than likely was gymnastics or dance class.

After gymnastics or dance they would come home and begin dinner before spending the rest of the night relaxing by watching whatever movie or show Cali picked out for the day.

Cali would talk to her father before falling asleep at night and Rebecca would come in to retrieve her phone just to see her husband still on FaceTime, quietly watching his daughter sleep and she would talk to him before falling asleep on the phone with him as well.

It was a routine that developed quickly which made Colby being away just a little bit easier.

Rebecca was reading over the recipe for the night while Cali pulled the pots and pans down from the cabinets.

"When is daddy coming home?" Cali asked for the 10th time that day

"He'll be home in the morning before we got to my appointment" Rebecca said

"Do they get to tell you if it's a boy or a girl tomorrow?"

"Maybe" Rebecca shrugged "If the baby is cooperative" she said and Cali jumped down from the chair

"Hey" the little girl said as she looked at the tiny bump that was forming and she poked it "You in there" she said and Rebecca rolled her eyes "Is it listening?" Cali looked up at her

"It can hear you" Rebecca nodded and Cali turned her attention back to the tiny bump

"You better let us know if you are a boy or a girl tomorrow or you're gonna be in trouble and you're gonna hear from me!" She threatened, it was a threat but being said by that sweet and tiny little girl was the cutest threat ever

"What do you think it is?" Rebecca asked with a small laugh as Cali climbed onto the counter and grabbed the recipe from her

"I think it's a girl" Cali said confidently


"Cause.. I had a dream one time and my mommy said I was getting a little sister"

"Ya know.. your mommy came to me in a dream once too before I was pregnant and she told me it was going to be a girl" Rebecca nodded and Cali smiled

"What are we gonna name her?" She asked

"That is something that Daddy and I have to discuss.. we haven't really talked about it much since we don't know for sure that she's a she"

"It's gotta be four letters.." Cali stated "Cause it has to go with mine.. C-A-L-I" she spelled

"What's a good four letter name that goes with Cali?" She asked and the little girl shrugged

"I don't know.. I've never named anything before" she shook her head and Rebecca laughed

"Well we'll make sure to get your input in the naming process" Rebecca nodded and the little girl smiled "Alright munchkin" she turned her attention towards to stove to begin dinner "What's the first step?" She asked and she watched Cali read the recipe

"We gotta make a roux" she said

"Roux" Rebecca said

"That's when you mix flour and butter" Cali said

"I know what a roux is" Rebecca nodded as she turned her attention away from the little girl and grabbed the flour from the cabinet but for some reason she couldn't get it out of her head "Roux" 

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